
The Year of Change

Change has been the dominant word in my mind ever since the year 2010 went into labour to bring forth this New Year and up to today. Every year I like to set the theme for myself and review my goals and priorities, speaking of which I still have to re-work my mission statement.

The Lord has many ways of grabbing ones attention. On my first Sunday service at my church on the 7th of January I was unusually early, since previously I had been in the habit of running inside church after the praise and worship session had long began and it was the norm for me to try and look for space to squeeze myself in way after most of the people had settled, I used to say its praise and worship in the matatu and the sermon in church. So this Sunday I was particularly early as I was looking for a Bible study group to join and the groups meet one hour prior to the service.

After I failed to spot a group I found myself wondering inside the church about 10minutes to the start of the service, Praise God! I selected a nice comfortable place to sit and made myself comfortable, I then took my brochure and started reading the pastor’s word and theme for the year, in big caps there it was ‘The Year of Re-Creation’.

I couldn’t believe what I was reading, was I not declaring mine as the year of change, how did the two seem like they were coinciding? What was happening to me? What was God trying to say to me? As I pondered over all those, and what had been happening in my life of late I found myself crying, feeling totally broken and beaten and soon as I was struggling to dry my tears as people had started streaming inside church.

Change is one of the hardest thing to go through and most of the time I find myself falling back to where I had purposed not to go back to. There numerous areas of my life that I would like to see a change in, places that I would love for God to come and occupy but I now know better. For anything to change in me I have to completely obey what He says in His word and I have to surrender to him for God to do his work.

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