
To be a friend of God

In my last Kenya House of Prayer class which i recently joined (2 weeks ago) we were learning about prayer in depth. One phrase caught my ears and has been lingering in my thoughts since Sunday the 27th Jan.

'Does God have friends?' that was the introduction to a section of the course. The answer to that was YES!

Friends of God are prayerful people, among other qualities. The likes of Daniel (quoted in the book of Daniel), the likes of Moses, among others. These were people who were devoted to prayers - communion with God, listening to Him, taking instructions from God.

This year, i desire to be a friend of God. To walk with Him. To obey and abide by His words. To listen to Him


Down on One Knee: Stepping on Fresh New Waters

10 November, 2012 was such a special and memorable day. I got engaged to the blessing of my life. Whenever i think about the day i have this type of a smile that i can't really explain. It's a smile of mixed effects of that day.

His, actions leading up to the time of the proposal and my re-action after the question was popped, part of it felt like moving a heavy ball that carried our futures from his court to my court. No written words can really define those hours.

My response was 'YES' and the best bit about it was that i was settled and at a peace with my decision. All along our relationship i had been praying about the two of us. I had prayed that God would order my steps, that i would not go where His grace was  not. That He would keep me away from time wasters. That He would give me the grace and the patience to hang in there. That He would enable me to be a good friend and fulfill whichever mission He had for our friendship whether long-term or short-term.

Having come that far, my heart is full of praise to God, i can only say, it took and still continues to take the Hand of God. I have come to learn that, there are somethings that only God can do, and that was one of them. That has been a long prayer item answered!

I am grateful to my family and friends who rejoiced with me and they continue to do so. I look forward to the BIG day :-) :-)

photo credit: www.clker.com