
Thanks But No Thanks

I have lots of respect for old people not only do their words carry plenty of wisdom their experiences is life makes them good mentors and I have a couple of them. On the flip side, one of the reasons why they just turn me off is making passes at young girls these breed of people are usually extremely persistent and to them there is nothing like reading in between the lines for hints! Just because you have achieved everything in life, have your dream job as a big boss somewhere, drive a really posh car, have numerous investments and assets n all that doesn’t mean that you must make me part of your ‘achievement’.

So you say you want us to go on a date…. A dancing date? Yet you know very well that you just don’t have the moves for today’s hits!! A dinner date? You have already said it many times that am beautiful, in addition we can hardly sustain an entertaining conversation for more than 5 minutes, there is lust painted all over the picture…… now a whole evening do you want me to die with boredom!

What these men don’t recognize is that there is a new breed of young women nowadays, an evolved species who understand that their digestive system doesn’t different meals from a five star or a fast food, its all either proteins, vitamins and the likes. An evolved species who knows that they have tough legs to ‘drive’ them to all the places they need to go. Girls who know that old married men are only after them just because of their selfish personal motives and refuse to be used as objects of entertainment. Girls who would rather break a back (literally) to make ends meet than go for short cuts with dire consequences and more so girls who love and respect themselves.


Il est nécessaire que vous vous rappeliez ce qui est important dans la vie

'....No one else can dance your dance, no one else can sing your song, no one else can write your story. Who you are, what you do, begins right now!' Lisa Nicholas


From the pit

Today is an extraordinary tough day. Besides the fact that my day started off quite early and i woke up on the right side of the bed things just aren’t turning out as expected.

I first run to town to chase after some business order which up and until now doesn’t look so promising not to mention the fact that I have already incurred operation costs. I make it work at noon and find high priority emails that need to be addressed. Am not in the right frame of mind so I have postponed replying to majority of them until tomorrow. I try to get some work done but things that would normally take 30 mins to complete now take 1 hour.
I get some good news , am to collect my dividend cheque courtesy of sacco savings not bad i think to myself so the sacco has such rewards! but upon receiving my cheque I realise that I have been fined 1/3 of the money for not attending important saccoo member meetings.

Normally I would swim it off but no not today, I have to rush home because I have some repairs that need to be done this evening. Just cant wait to hit my pillows but until then let me see if i can make someone happy.