
Steps to Un-Stuff Your Schedule and Increase Your Margin

Do you ever get to the end of your day and think, "Did I accomplish anything?"

Where does all the time go?

If you don't master your schedule, it will master you!

Here are three suggestions from the Bible for reducing the stress of your schedule and increasing the margin:

1. Line up your priorities. Obviously, you don't have time to do everything, so you must make choices. You must decide what's really important and what isn't. Take some time to consider the direction of your life. The Bible says, "An intelligent person aims at wise action, but a fool starts off in many directions" (Proverbs 17:24 GNT); "It is stupid to waste time on useless projects" (Proverbs 12:11, GNT); "We should make plans—counting on God to direct us" (Proverbs 16:9 LB).

2. Lighten up your attitude. Do you really have to do everything on your to-do list? No one is holding a gun to your head; a lot of your stress is self-imposed. The Bible says, "Worry weighs us down..." (Proverbs 12:25 MSG); "A relaxed attitude lengthens a man's life" (Proverbs 14:30 LB); "Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time" (Proverbs 17:22 GNT).

3. Look up to God. Stress is always a warning light that you've taken your focus off God and are looking at your problems from your limited viewpoint.



stealing the show

Can you imagine tripping over the public address system wires in the middle of the ceremony when the MC is making important announcements. Yea that was me on Saturday at a family friends wedding and boy wasnt i embarrassed.

Everything seemed to be going on well, the wedding was beautiful and it was almost time for the newly weds to start receiving gifts from family and friends. My sister and I hurriedly went and gave the couple our gift - obviously at the wrong time coz we wanted to greet her and leave before people started queuing for that and i was now taking her to say hi to some other people before we leave. I saw the wires and thought i had crossed over them just fine only to realise that that wasn't the case, first the MC's mic went dead then the 'mixer' not sure what its called the gadget that controls volume and other things came tumbling down from the table and then stares and other shocked sounds followed. I stood there fixed and confused for a moment, not knowing if i should continue walking or try and help fix the damage but one look at the DJ told me to stay where i was, he came round picked it and after a few minutes the mic was back on and we quickly dashed out of the venue without looking behind.

It seemed i have graduated from being the girl who catches the bridal bouquet to something else. I hope the small drama's that i cause at people's wedding don't haunt me on my own big day else it will be a wedding full of circus.


Many thanks!

Thank you dear blog for giving me a platform of expressing it, thank you friend for telling me that i have to up my game and stop reading 4 books in a year if at all am gonna up my writing skills (those last year words still echo in my mind!), thank you dear big sister for leading the way (i look up to you u know), thank you friends for alerting me and thank you God for keeping me going.

My article on matters affecting the family was published in the daily nation newspaper sometime in March (have your say column), well its not a GRAND article but its a great honor and a somewhat nice feeling as well to see your name in the press!!

Indeed nothing is impossible you only need to dream it to achieve and put some effort in it. Is this an indication of greater things to come? For sure i cannot tell but i hope so.....


I cried my last tears yesterday

Its a high time i put to practice what i wrote about in my last post! I have stopped struggling, pushing it, forcing it.... It aint easy but its something i need to do. Not overnight but gradually as the seeds had already been planted and uprooting them will take a while. it's only with the knowledge and experience of the healing power of time that i can be able to say that yes i will be fine.

The circles are too many, its like being at the stop sign and making turns that take me back to where i started from over and over and over or a boxing match with endless rounds.

I miss the glow and my genuine smile. No amount of facial masking and beauty 'therapyness' can bring back the glow as i have discovered that it comes from within. My eyes are puffy and always watery of late. The power of emotions, we call them hearty matters!

I cant be in both ends of the rope at the same time and seeing as i have pulled and stretched my end of the rope to its limit all i can do now is stop pulling.

I lived it and i loved it. The sun will rise and set and it musn't find me in the same state i was yesterday.


Things always have a way of working out

After much contemplation i decided to choose spaghetti over rice, the reason was still unknown to me upto the point when i saw the flames of the fire dwindling and within a minute the fire had gone out, the gas was over, my spaghetti 30% cooked and no alternatives. Luckily the spinach on the other plate of the gas had kinda steamed and they say that vegetables are best eaten raw - well it was time to put all that healthy eating theory into action.There are some university lesson that become vital survival skill in the present and future days and i had to apply one of those. Without thinking much the spaghetti was poured into the kettle and the rest is history. Thank you God for making me choose spaghetti over rice cause with rice then it would have a been a whole different story.

Some time last year, i couldn't understand why after being the best candidate for the job one where i thought at that moment that i had wahi kuwahi crisis and other things started happening and they had to restructure and i couldn't start working with them as yet. Couple of months down the line i hear that the projects is coming to an unusual closure plus plus.

How i survived my college exams and managed to graduated with my year mates can only be attributed to favour from above. After being at home for almost two years, year one was like being in a fast moving train those math papers looked like Greek writings and the result at the end of the year weren't soo appealing. Year two and three were like discovery and multitasking phases and upon receiving my results i knew that there some subjects that just don't give room for the kind of lifestyle that i was living. The last year was the do or die year, i had to put my act together else there wasn't going to be a graduation party for me at least maybe not with the class of 03. I recall that when i was doing my final papers on my way to the exam room i was crying out to God to give me favour and refresh my memory as need be. I had read for long hours in my past papers to end up with resits and i wasn't ready to see that happen in my last exams. Anyways that was that and when i was called and told that i had passed my exams i couldn't believe it. He had seen me through and He will see you through just don't give up and don't get tired of doing what is right.

Nothing really happens without a reason but in the end things just have a way of working out....story continues