
The Power of Prayer, a Message of Encouragement

When I woke up this morning I didn’t know that I would find myself an opportunity to be able to share with other believers about the word of God. Every Tuesday and Thursday believers at my work place meet together for lunch time fellowship, on Tuesday’s we normally have one of the believers sharing the word of God and Thursday we meet for prayers. So today being a Tuesday the person who was supposed to be preaching wasn’t able and when I was asked to preach, the dynamics of my day changed.

After thinking about it for about 45 minutes I realised that He who has the Son of God has a testimony and each and every single day is a miracle and a testimony from the Lord. It was this knowledge that made arise to the challenge and decided to be speaker of the day. Since I decided to subdue myself to the authority of the Lord, my life has taken a 360 degrees turn, I am experiencing new miracles every day, just like this past Sunday when I was doing the Bible reading during the first service in Church and I was also seated in the pastor’s office the same day. God has lifted me up so much, i can only praise Him.

So today the title of my sermon was The Power of Prayer, a Message of Encouragement and the bible text was from 1Samuel 19: 18-24. This particular verse talks of the story of David and in that particular time King Saul was after his life and David decided to run to where Samuel was and together they started engaging in prayer. Saul sent messengers 3 times to look for David and when they came to the place where they were and found them praying they got confused and started prophesying and the same happed when Saul himself went also to look for David himself, he also started prophesying and David’s life was spared.

This particular passage teaches us that through prayer we disarm the enemy totally, it teaches us that we should know where to run to when we face challenges, where do our support lies in time of trouble? Who are our support pillars? Is it in people who can strengthen us through prayer?

Through prayers Jesus set me free from where the devil had me bound, the prayers of fellow believers steered me to places where I am developing and growing in Christ. I encourage each one of us to persistent in prayer, to pray for ourselves, our families, friends, colleagues, the nation and the universe because it is by prayer that we overcome.

I Thes 5: 17 Pray without ceasing
Col 4:2 Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving

Well i just had to come back here to capture this moment after many months of starting a new blog in vain!