Driving is one very interesting activity. While it's convenient, comfortable and fun it carries such a huge responsibility with it. Today i ran down a dog, it's quite sad since i heard the dog crying with pain while i was driving over it. It was an accident i wish i could have avoided, but i saw one dog crossing the road and i braked for it to cross, i quickly thought phew how lucky and then out of nowhere two other dogs came after it, i don't think those two dogs were checking to see if there were cars on the road, i think they were just following the first dog and opps they just crossed right in front of my wheels. It was too late for me to stop and i think i knocked one down and the other one escaped luckily so i believe since i heard only one crying with pain while i was driving over it. I didn't have the courage to look back or slow down after the incidence.
Am wondering what would be the best thing to do in such a situation, a friend of mine told me that i should have reversed and killed it quickly instead of leaving it to die a slow and painful death but i think that is too harsh and ruthless. Stop and take it to the vet? but where would i get the courage to do that?
Best thing to do it to try and avoid as much as possible such an incidence and of course pray that obstacles are eliminated as much as possible along your driving lane.
Blogging live from Addis
It’s been a while (read about 12 months) since i was last in this country, Ethiopia. The place brings to me some very fond memories and particularly since the first time i ever entered a plane to take a real trip and not for some primary school learning session brought me to Ethiopia and that was quite something! All the procedures in the airport, the check-in and i remember i had my belt, earrings, bangles and many other things beeping at the security checks, finding out what the food tastes like on the plan and it also took me an entire week packing my suitcase, talk of doing something for the first time!
Well, it’s interesting how this time round i packed on Sunday night and i left on Monday and i was only interested in attending the workshop, doing my information management work, offer support to the logistics team and take the 1st flight back to Nairobi no chance to greet my friends from here, or probably it is because i have so many other things going on parallel back home. Nevertheless, besides the extreme cold and nursing a wet nose, i am enjoying eating my injera and am wondering will i really get sometime off to go and shop, for some reason i always find clothes that fit me better here than when am at home, where i find them an inch bigger.
My plane leaves tomorrow (Thursday) night and then I hop off to Eldoret to join the rest of my family to saying goodbye to my brother-in-law’s mum. Quite a week for someone who doesn't quite like operating from the suitcase but i still appreciate the change of weather! c'est la vie
Well, it’s interesting how this time round i packed on Sunday night and i left on Monday and i was only interested in attending the workshop, doing my information management work, offer support to the logistics team and take the 1st flight back to Nairobi no chance to greet my friends from here, or probably it is because i have so many other things going on parallel back home. Nevertheless, besides the extreme cold and nursing a wet nose, i am enjoying eating my injera and am wondering will i really get sometime off to go and shop, for some reason i always find clothes that fit me better here than when am at home, where i find them an inch bigger.
My plane leaves tomorrow (Thursday) night and then I hop off to Eldoret to join the rest of my family to saying goodbye to my brother-in-law’s mum. Quite a week for someone who doesn't quite like operating from the suitcase but i still appreciate the change of weather! c'est la vie
In the kitchen with Kamama
The only reason that i can come up with for standing in my kitchen for an hour or more even more after a busy day at work, and this is normally a meal for just my tummy is that i must like cooking but i also tend to think that this liking has come about as a result of wanting to just eat my meals. Like sometimes i look at a restaurant menu, order a meal, eat it but at the back of my mind am thinking, I can do a much better job. So this notion of doing much better, makes me challenge myself. Anyways, it’s really cool whenever i make something and see the outcomes (successful outcomes i mean).
Below are some of delicacies i have made in the recent past.

This is pilau, which is one of my FAVOURITES dishes and i have discovered that having some peppered beans and steamed cabbages makes its delicious meal.

Pasta and spaghetti is slowly becoming another of my favourites, this was very very yummy, thing is i can’t clearly say what i did to the chicken, if only i was recording the procedure it was more of a random cooking but the outcome......mhmmm let me let the picture speak for itself. Mixed with stir fry vegetable, makes a delicious meal.
One of the things in my bucket list for cooking is learning to to make brown chapatis with ghee, i can imagine how yummy there can be, this make me salivate.
It's time to go home and cook :-)
Below are some of delicacies i have made in the recent past.

This is pilau, which is one of my FAVOURITES dishes and i have discovered that having some peppered beans and steamed cabbages makes its delicious meal.

Pasta and spaghetti is slowly becoming another of my favourites, this was very very yummy, thing is i can’t clearly say what i did to the chicken, if only i was recording the procedure it was more of a random cooking but the outcome......mhmmm let me let the picture speak for itself. Mixed with stir fry vegetable, makes a delicious meal.
One of the things in my bucket list for cooking is learning to to make brown chapatis with ghee, i can imagine how yummy there can be, this make me salivate.
It's time to go home and cook :-)
The Power of Prayer, a Message of Encouragement
When I woke up this morning I didn’t know that I would find myself an opportunity to be able to share with other believers about the word of God. Every Tuesday and Thursday believers at my work place meet together for lunch time fellowship, on Tuesday’s we normally have one of the believers sharing the word of God and Thursday we meet for prayers. So today being a Tuesday the person who was supposed to be preaching wasn’t able and when I was asked to preach, the dynamics of my day changed.
After thinking about it for about 45 minutes I realised that He who has the Son of God has a testimony and each and every single day is a miracle and a testimony from the Lord. It was this knowledge that made arise to the challenge and decided to be speaker of the day. Since I decided to subdue myself to the authority of the Lord, my life has taken a 360 degrees turn, I am experiencing new miracles every day, just like this past Sunday when I was doing the Bible reading during the first service in Church and I was also seated in the pastor’s office the same day. God has lifted me up so much, i can only praise Him.
So today the title of my sermon was The Power of Prayer, a Message of Encouragement and the bible text was from 1Samuel 19: 18-24. This particular verse talks of the story of David and in that particular time King Saul was after his life and David decided to run to where Samuel was and together they started engaging in prayer. Saul sent messengers 3 times to look for David and when they came to the place where they were and found them praying they got confused and started prophesying and the same happed when Saul himself went also to look for David himself, he also started prophesying and David’s life was spared.
This particular passage teaches us that through prayer we disarm the enemy totally, it teaches us that we should know where to run to when we face challenges, where do our support lies in time of trouble? Who are our support pillars? Is it in people who can strengthen us through prayer?
Through prayers Jesus set me free from where the devil had me bound, the prayers of fellow believers steered me to places where I am developing and growing in Christ. I encourage each one of us to persistent in prayer, to pray for ourselves, our families, friends, colleagues, the nation and the universe because it is by prayer that we overcome.
I Thes 5: 17 Pray without ceasing
Col 4:2 Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving
Well i just had to come back here to capture this moment after many months of starting a new blog in vain!
After thinking about it for about 45 minutes I realised that He who has the Son of God has a testimony and each and every single day is a miracle and a testimony from the Lord. It was this knowledge that made arise to the challenge and decided to be speaker of the day. Since I decided to subdue myself to the authority of the Lord, my life has taken a 360 degrees turn, I am experiencing new miracles every day, just like this past Sunday when I was doing the Bible reading during the first service in Church and I was also seated in the pastor’s office the same day. God has lifted me up so much, i can only praise Him.
So today the title of my sermon was The Power of Prayer, a Message of Encouragement and the bible text was from 1Samuel 19: 18-24. This particular verse talks of the story of David and in that particular time King Saul was after his life and David decided to run to where Samuel was and together they started engaging in prayer. Saul sent messengers 3 times to look for David and when they came to the place where they were and found them praying they got confused and started prophesying and the same happed when Saul himself went also to look for David himself, he also started prophesying and David’s life was spared.
This particular passage teaches us that through prayer we disarm the enemy totally, it teaches us that we should know where to run to when we face challenges, where do our support lies in time of trouble? Who are our support pillars? Is it in people who can strengthen us through prayer?
Through prayers Jesus set me free from where the devil had me bound, the prayers of fellow believers steered me to places where I am developing and growing in Christ. I encourage each one of us to persistent in prayer, to pray for ourselves, our families, friends, colleagues, the nation and the universe because it is by prayer that we overcome.
I Thes 5: 17 Pray without ceasing
Col 4:2 Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving
Well i just had to come back here to capture this moment after many months of starting a new blog in vain!
The last post
Thymoments has been a good place for me to capture and cherish the moments of my life. Through it have written like I never thought I would. Back in primary and high school my languages used to give me a hard time, much as I thought that I had outdone myself in writing a good composition it was only according to me! According to the teacher well it was simply average work, nothing to report about. Wait till I found myself in a position at work where I needed to communicate on a regular basis and just not to anyone but to important people, my clientele more like sell and convince someone to buy through email and this was not only a matter of marks at the end of the term but a matter of bread at the end of the day, I needed a breakthrough. Among others, thymoments was one such way, I learnt how to better put thought on paper.
When I started living by myself and needed someone who can always be there anytime to listen to me, thymoments fulfilled a small bit, maybe bigger than what am calling small of that need. The blog made me make ‘news’ in local press for some extra coins at the end of the month – talk of being able to write a good composition :), many of the goals have been realised.
After a lot of thinking and deliberating I have decided to stop writing for thymoments. While some of its goals have been accomplished there others that I can say are deep rooted in me and i have new thoughts and ideas. This is my last post on this blog, however I don’t want to stop writing, to stop capturing and cherishing thy moments, I want to keep some of the dreams and the ideas I developed since June 2008 alive and I want to keep working on my artistic side, 'potential unused turns into pain' R. Sharma. With the many reasons and in line with my theme for this year, 2011 is a new century for new things and also for a new blog of which I share with my dear followers in due time.
To my blog, thanks. To my followers and other fans thank you too, until my next blog. Kamama
When I started living by myself and needed someone who can always be there anytime to listen to me, thymoments fulfilled a small bit, maybe bigger than what am calling small of that need. The blog made me make ‘news’ in local press for some extra coins at the end of the month – talk of being able to write a good composition :), many of the goals have been realised.

To my blog, thanks. To my followers and other fans thank you too, until my next blog. Kamama
Of my Friday Evening

What to talk about? Will I be interesting or boring? Will I be asked tough questions, or none at all? Will I supply the right answers? Will my talk contribute even a little bit to their knowledge, overall betterment? Will there be a message or two for someone to go home with? Will they discard it all?
I wonder all those as I wonder how my 30mins talk to the Rotaract Muthaiga club will be this evening. As a member and past secretary where I used to attend most of the meetings, take minutes and critically analyze the many guests speakers that we have had and the kind of impact they left to the bunch of young people who look out to the future with great expectations now it’s my turn. I don’t work in those fields that touch everyone’s life like a banker or an insurer or a doctor or a nutritionist but perhaps I can throw in some agricultural matters, statistical issues, information communication matters eeew that doesn’t even excite me!
Much as am not a guru of some sort I think that everyone has a story to tell. Life is a journey and narrating the adventures of it and the lessons learnt make a good enough story. Since the topic is mine to choose and I have the liberty to talk about anything and everything, then I believe that sharing the little bits and pieces that makes me me aside from what is seen on the outside will be a good enough story and more so to people that I consider friends, as for the enemies I pray that they will have the grace to bear.
No more sweating it out over unrealistic expectations, simply me and simply what I feel comfortable sharing. Maybe one day in a couple of years when am a guru of something then I will have a more focused discussion but one has to start with baby steps and has to be brave enough to take them.
Photo credits: of www.clker.com
Achieved Vs Pending
Today i found myself browsing in my 2009 diary and i came across a page with the title '2009 The Year in Evaluation' while i was reading through the various sub-titles and small point in each of them i found myself ticking either i)achieved or ii)pending. My achievements made me smile and i realised just how important it is to actually write stuff down, to me, it means that i believed in them and wanted them badly enough thus all my actions and energy at those moments was channeled towards those success. The pending ones mad me feel sad, i feel like those are areas that have been really stagnating and there things that i have been writing down in my plans since i cant even remember when sigh! I just hope that i can mark achieved next to the pending SOON.
What was in my diary came from an old Robin Sharma's newsletter and after i spent about 30mins (so annoying) in my PC searching for the article so that i can jot down my plan for 2011 in my 2009 diary :-) i thought it best to write the points down in my beloved thymoments so that next time i can be sure it will take fewer minutes to search for it.
Sometimes it feels like this is a joint blog between Kamama and Robin Sharma, his posts have really feature here! Anyhow...

In summary here are the key points.
We're just about done 2009. On January, 1, 2010, you get a fresh 365 days. A new chance. To create the single best year of your life to date. Most will waste this opportunity and make the new year a repeat of the one just past. Sad. But true. But a few will wake up to the possibility and do 7 things that will ensure 2010 is the most unforgettable twelve months they have experienced yet. Want to be one of the fortunate few? Here's what to do:
Step #1: Evaluate 2009. Do a written story recording what went well this past year and, even more importantly, what areas you could improve on. Also list all your wins and as many high points as you can recall. Get a clear picture of how you showed up.
Step #2: Set Your Theme. Come up with a theme for 2010. It may be "The Year of Financial Freedom" or "The Year of Work Excellence" or "The Year of Fearlessness". But get a theme into a document you can start reviewing every week.
Step #3: Create a Mission. The next step is to develop a one paragraph mission statement and put it into this document. Clarity precedes mastery so the more clear your ultimate mountaintop for 2010 is, the greater your focus will be. And the most positive results you'll see.
Step #4: List Your Big 5. OK, now ask yourself this powerful self-coaching question: "What 5 things need to happen between now and December 31, 2010 for this to have been the single most successful year of my life to date?" Write down those five goals as simply and clearly as possible into this document.
Step #5: Sequence Your Big 5. Now break your Big 5 down into quarterly goals. Set 5 core goals for the first/second/third and fourth quarters of 2010 to ensure you nail your Big 5. Review these every week. Reflect on them everyday if you really want to win. Make these strategic objectives the sole focus of your life.
Step #6: Refocus Every Morning. Life's job is to distract you. Your job is to stay staggeringly focused on what's most important. Take 15 minutes during your morning resetting period to reflect on your goals, to envision your best moves and to track out a day that's productive, passionate and fun.
Step #7: Get Devoted to Learning. The #1 skill of super successful people is that they are relentless learners. While others are wasting time on low-value websites or watching mindless reality tv shows, they are listening to audio programs, studying books on leadership and success and basically creating a rich, beautiful and meaningful life. As you journey through each day of 2010, make the time to fuel your brain with ideas on excellence and creating your absolute best. Nothing's more important than that. And please remember that all it takes is a single idea to transform the way you lead and how you live.
What was in my diary came from an old Robin Sharma's newsletter and after i spent about 30mins (so annoying) in my PC searching for the article so that i can jot down my plan for 2011 in my 2009 diary :-) i thought it best to write the points down in my beloved thymoments so that next time i can be sure it will take fewer minutes to search for it.
Sometimes it feels like this is a joint blog between Kamama and Robin Sharma, his posts have really feature here! Anyhow...

In summary here are the key points.
We're just about done 2009. On January, 1, 2010, you get a fresh 365 days. A new chance. To create the single best year of your life to date. Most will waste this opportunity and make the new year a repeat of the one just past. Sad. But true. But a few will wake up to the possibility and do 7 things that will ensure 2010 is the most unforgettable twelve months they have experienced yet. Want to be one of the fortunate few? Here's what to do:
Step #1: Evaluate 2009. Do a written story recording what went well this past year and, even more importantly, what areas you could improve on. Also list all your wins and as many high points as you can recall. Get a clear picture of how you showed up.
Step #2: Set Your Theme. Come up with a theme for 2010. It may be "The Year of Financial Freedom" or "The Year of Work Excellence" or "The Year of Fearlessness". But get a theme into a document you can start reviewing every week.
Step #3: Create a Mission. The next step is to develop a one paragraph mission statement and put it into this document. Clarity precedes mastery so the more clear your ultimate mountaintop for 2010 is, the greater your focus will be. And the most positive results you'll see.
Step #4: List Your Big 5. OK, now ask yourself this powerful self-coaching question: "What 5 things need to happen between now and December 31, 2010 for this to have been the single most successful year of my life to date?" Write down those five goals as simply and clearly as possible into this document.
Step #5: Sequence Your Big 5. Now break your Big 5 down into quarterly goals. Set 5 core goals for the first/second/third and fourth quarters of 2010 to ensure you nail your Big 5. Review these every week. Reflect on them everyday if you really want to win. Make these strategic objectives the sole focus of your life.
Step #6: Refocus Every Morning. Life's job is to distract you. Your job is to stay staggeringly focused on what's most important. Take 15 minutes during your morning resetting period to reflect on your goals, to envision your best moves and to track out a day that's productive, passionate and fun.
Step #7: Get Devoted to Learning. The #1 skill of super successful people is that they are relentless learners. While others are wasting time on low-value websites or watching mindless reality tv shows, they are listening to audio programs, studying books on leadership and success and basically creating a rich, beautiful and meaningful life. As you journey through each day of 2010, make the time to fuel your brain with ideas on excellence and creating your absolute best. Nothing's more important than that. And please remember that all it takes is a single idea to transform the way you lead and how you live.
To smile more and from within
Its one of those days today, the morning seems longer than usual, it’s a bright and sunny day but not so bright in my soul, I don’t feel like talking or smiling much today. It could be that it’s because I didn’t have my quiet devotion this morning or that I didn’t wake up with a smile and take my bible and say ‘this is my bible, I am what it says I am, I can do what it says I can do’ considering that if had quite a nice weekend with my family. But then maybe that could just be the source, when you sit together as a family and start sharing your successes and struggles and then you discover that your loved ones are struggling more than you thought.
In my quest to brighten up this day, I found myself browsing through this post by pastor Joel Osteen on Understanding you value; http://www.joelosteen.com/HopeForToday/ThoughtsOn/Family/understandingyourvalue/Pages/understandingyourvalue.aspx.
In one of the paragraphs he says ‘People may tell you, "You're just too small." But God says, "You're just the right size for Me." People may say, "You're not talented. We don't need you. You don't have anything to offer." But God says, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are talented. You are creative. You are anointed. You are smart. You are intelligent. You are amazing."
‘I know some of you have gone through more than your share of unfair situations. But here's what I've learned. Even though life is not fair, God is fair. If you will not go around thinking there is something wrong with you, but instead start seeing yourself as handpicked by God – valuable, lovable, with something great to offer - then God said He will pay you back double for your former shame. That means He'll make the rest of your life twice as good as it would have been if that had never even happened to you.’
To be reminded this morning that I have been handpicked by God got the smile that I had been craving for all day long. I hope you enjoy your day as much as am looking forward to enjoy the rest of mine!!

In my quest to brighten up this day, I found myself browsing through this post by pastor Joel Osteen on Understanding you value; http://www.joelosteen.com/HopeForToday/ThoughtsOn/Family/understandingyourvalue/Pages/understandingyourvalue.aspx.
In one of the paragraphs he says ‘People may tell you, "You're just too small." But God says, "You're just the right size for Me." People may say, "You're not talented. We don't need you. You don't have anything to offer." But God says, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are talented. You are creative. You are anointed. You are smart. You are intelligent. You are amazing."
‘I know some of you have gone through more than your share of unfair situations. But here's what I've learned. Even though life is not fair, God is fair. If you will not go around thinking there is something wrong with you, but instead start seeing yourself as handpicked by God – valuable, lovable, with something great to offer - then God said He will pay you back double for your former shame. That means He'll make the rest of your life twice as good as it would have been if that had never even happened to you.’
To be reminded this morning that I have been handpicked by God got the smile that I had been craving for all day long. I hope you enjoy your day as much as am looking forward to enjoy the rest of mine!!
22 Ways to Become Spectacularly Inspirational
By Robin Sharma, author of the #1 bestseller "The Leader Who Had No Title"
1. Do important work vs. merely offering opinions.
2. Lift people up vs. tear others down.
3. Use the words of leadership vs. the language of victimhood.
4. Don't worry about getting the credit for getting things done.
5. Become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
6. Take your health to a level called superfit.
7. Commit to mastery of your craft instead of accepting mediocrity in your work.
8. Associate with people whose lives you want to be living.
9. Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you'll triple your success.
10. Run your own race. "No one can possibly achieve real and lasting success by being a conformist," wrote billionaire J. Paul Getty
11. Do something small yet scary every single day.
12. Lead Without a Title.
13. Focus on people's strengths vs. obsessing around their weaknesses.
14. Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing your best.
15. Smile more.
16. Listen more.
17. Read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.
18. Reflect on the words of Eleanor Roosevelt who said: "Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."
19. Persist longer than the critics suggest you should.
20. Say "please" and "thank you".
21. Love your loved ones.
22. Do work that matters.
1. Do important work vs. merely offering opinions.
2. Lift people up vs. tear others down.
3. Use the words of leadership vs. the language of victimhood.
4. Don't worry about getting the credit for getting things done.
5. Become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
6. Take your health to a level called superfit.
7. Commit to mastery of your craft instead of accepting mediocrity in your work.
8. Associate with people whose lives you want to be living.
9. Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you'll triple your success.
10. Run your own race. "No one can possibly achieve real and lasting success by being a conformist," wrote billionaire J. Paul Getty
11. Do something small yet scary every single day.
12. Lead Without a Title.
13. Focus on people's strengths vs. obsessing around their weaknesses.
14. Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing your best.
15. Smile more.
16. Listen more.
17. Read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.
18. Reflect on the words of Eleanor Roosevelt who said: "Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."
19. Persist longer than the critics suggest you should.
20. Say "please" and "thank you".
21. Love your loved ones.
22. Do work that matters.
The Year of Change
Change has been the dominant word in my mind ever since the year 2010 went into labour to bring forth this New Year and up to today. Every year I like to set the theme for myself and review my goals and priorities, speaking of which I still have to re-work my mission statement.
The Lord has many ways of grabbing ones attention. On my first Sunday service at my church on the 7th of January I was unusually early, since previously I had been in the habit of running inside church after the praise and worship session had long began and it was the norm for me to try and look for space to squeeze myself in way after most of the people had settled, I used to say its praise and worship in the matatu and the sermon in church. So this Sunday I was particularly early as I was looking for a Bible study group to join and the groups meet one hour prior to the service.
After I failed to spot a group I found myself wondering inside the church about 10minutes to the start of the service, Praise God! I selected a nice comfortable place to sit and made myself comfortable, I then took my brochure and started reading the pastor’s word and theme for the year, in big caps there it was ‘The Year of Re-Creation’.
I couldn’t believe what I was reading, was I not declaring mine as the year of change, how did the two seem like they were coinciding? What was happening to me? What was God trying to say to me? As I pondered over all those, and what had been happening in my life of late I found myself crying, feeling totally broken and beaten and soon as I was struggling to dry my tears as people had started streaming inside church.
Change is one of the hardest thing to go through and most of the time I find myself falling back to where I had purposed not to go back to. There numerous areas of my life that I would like to see a change in, places that I would love for God to come and occupy but I now know better. For anything to change in me I have to completely obey what He says in His word and I have to surrender to him for God to do his work.
The Lord has many ways of grabbing ones attention. On my first Sunday service at my church on the 7th of January I was unusually early, since previously I had been in the habit of running inside church after the praise and worship session had long began and it was the norm for me to try and look for space to squeeze myself in way after most of the people had settled, I used to say its praise and worship in the matatu and the sermon in church. So this Sunday I was particularly early as I was looking for a Bible study group to join and the groups meet one hour prior to the service.
After I failed to spot a group I found myself wondering inside the church about 10minutes to the start of the service, Praise God! I selected a nice comfortable place to sit and made myself comfortable, I then took my brochure and started reading the pastor’s word and theme for the year, in big caps there it was ‘The Year of Re-Creation’.
I couldn’t believe what I was reading, was I not declaring mine as the year of change, how did the two seem like they were coinciding? What was happening to me? What was God trying to say to me? As I pondered over all those, and what had been happening in my life of late I found myself crying, feeling totally broken and beaten and soon as I was struggling to dry my tears as people had started streaming inside church.
Change is one of the hardest thing to go through and most of the time I find myself falling back to where I had purposed not to go back to. There numerous areas of my life that I would like to see a change in, places that I would love for God to come and occupy but I now know better. For anything to change in me I have to completely obey what He says in His word and I have to surrender to him for God to do his work.
The 2010 Highlights

The lights are out for the year 2010, I sit back today and analyse the year that has been and see how to shape up the new year to be even better than this one.
Today I would like to list down some of the things that made year 2010 memorable before getting down to put down the vision for 2011. Of course there some things that I would wish to see in my list of highlights but unfortunately things didn’t work out as I anticipated but I have hope that I will realise them this with God’s favour at His appointed time.
Not in any order, some are:
1. Travelling and the maiden trip out of Africa
2. The accident that I and my family survived – never felt God so much in control as I did then
3. Great achievement and success at work
4. Being featured in the 'Growing talent: youth in agriculture' blog series
5. Better working terms
6. Moving to a bigger house
7. Watching the Lord restore what the devil stole
8. Maintaining good friends and establishing new friendships
9. Finishing my course work
10. My birthday party and sharing cake with my friends
11. Being baptised again
12. Becoming a member of Parklands Baptist Church
Many more random ones...
I will forge on with the hope of a better tomorrow and a gracious heart because I believe that each and every new day is a miracle and a blessing from God in itself.
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