In my quest to brighten up this day, I found myself browsing through this post by pastor Joel Osteen on Understanding you value; http://www.joelosteen.com/HopeForToday/ThoughtsOn/Family/understandingyourvalue/Pages/understandingyourvalue.aspx.
In one of the paragraphs he says ‘People may tell you, "You're just too small." But God says, "You're just the right size for Me." People may say, "You're not talented. We don't need you. You don't have anything to offer." But God says, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are talented. You are creative. You are anointed. You are smart. You are intelligent. You are amazing."
‘I know some of you have gone through more than your share of unfair situations. But here's what I've learned. Even though life is not fair, God is fair. If you will not go around thinking there is something wrong with you, but instead start seeing yourself as handpicked by God – valuable, lovable, with something great to offer - then God said He will pay you back double for your former shame. That means He'll make the rest of your life twice as good as it would have been if that had never even happened to you.’
To be reminded this morning that I have been handpicked by God got the smile that I had been craving for all day long. I hope you enjoy your day as much as am looking forward to enjoy the rest of mine!!
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