What to talk about? Will I be interesting or boring? Will I be asked tough questions, or none at all? Will I supply the right answers? Will my talk contribute even a little bit to their knowledge, overall betterment? Will there be a message or two for someone to go home with? Will they discard it all?
I wonder all those as I wonder how my 30mins talk to the Rotaract Muthaiga club will be this evening. As a member and past secretary where I used to attend most of the meetings, take minutes and critically analyze the many guests speakers that we have had and the kind of impact they left to the bunch of young people who look out to the future with great expectations now it’s my turn. I don’t work in those fields that touch everyone’s life like a banker or an insurer or a doctor or a nutritionist but perhaps I can throw in some agricultural matters, statistical issues, information communication matters eeew that doesn’t even excite me!
Much as am not a guru of some sort I think that everyone has a story to tell. Life is a journey and narrating the adventures of it and the lessons learnt make a good enough story. Since the topic is mine to choose and I have the liberty to talk about anything and everything, then I believe that sharing the little bits and pieces that makes me me aside from what is seen on the outside will be a good enough story and more so to people that I consider friends, as for the enemies I pray that they will have the grace to bear.
No more sweating it out over unrealistic expectations, simply me and simply what I feel comfortable sharing. Maybe one day in a couple of years when am a guru of something then I will have a more focused discussion but one has to start with baby steps and has to be brave enough to take them.
Photo credits: of www.clker.com
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