With only a couple of hours to go before ushering the new year i want to take a few minutes and do the last 'pouring' out from my heart of 2009.
This year, i have blogged like never before and i have enjoyed and loved every minute of it. What i enjoy even more is going back to my older post and looking at where i have been and where i am now. In this process of capturing and cherishing the moments as well as sharing the events of my life i have learn't many lesson but what makes me even happier is learning that i have also been able to inspire others through writing.
A couple of years back if you were ever to ask me, i would have sworn that i was never born for writing and nothing artistic could be associated with me. Today i acknowledge that nothing is impossible as long as you put your heart to it and have passion for it. I have realised potential that i never thought existed in me!
Before i deviate any further, let me go back to the genesis of this post. This second last day of the year 2009 i want to say a big THANK YOU to all my blog 'fans' many of you are anonymous but i also know many of you :), whats the point of writing and having no one to read yah. To all those who i have inspired to start blogging, i am humbled and wish you the very best as we share. Learning comes from sharing and i hope that many more of my friends will also start blogging then we can all learn from each other.
As we usher in the new year i wish all my readers and friends the Very Nice Stuff that they desire for 2010.
Happy New Year with lots of love, Kamama
An analysis of an article
Note from mama
There is this note that my mum gave me when i was joining campus for my undergraduate (The teen's creed for teenagers to remember), that every time i read it it touches the very sensitive parts of my heart.
This is what is says;
Don't let your parents down, they brought you up.
Be humble enough to obey, you may give orders some day.
Choose companions with care, you become what they are.
Guard your thoughts what you think you are.
Choose only a date who would make a good mate.
Be a master of your habits or they will master you.
Don't be a show off when you drive. Drive with safety and arrive.
Don't let the crowd pressure you.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
This is what is says;
Don't let your parents down, they brought you up.
Be humble enough to obey, you may give orders some day.
Choose companions with care, you become what they are.
Guard your thoughts what you think you are.
Choose only a date who would make a good mate.
Be a master of your habits or they will master you.
Don't be a show off when you drive. Drive with safety and arrive.
Don't let the crowd pressure you.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
Six basic fears
I don't know why am so much into this positive thinking and self development and mastery stuff of late.
Either am trying to come out of something and i need the motivation or am struggling to achieve something or maybe i feel like am not realizing my full potential or maybe this is just me. But one thing i know for certain about this day is that am trying hard to put a brave face for the world because the inside feels a little scuttled.
From Robin Sharma, to my collection of inspiration thoughts (recent blog posts) and now the latest, this from the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
In order of their most common appearance;
1. Poverty
2. Criticism
3. Ill health
4. Loss of someone's love
5. Old age
6. Death
No. 3 n 4 really got my attention!
Either am trying to come out of something and i need the motivation or am struggling to achieve something or maybe i feel like am not realizing my full potential or maybe this is just me. But one thing i know for certain about this day is that am trying hard to put a brave face for the world because the inside feels a little scuttled.
From Robin Sharma, to my collection of inspiration thoughts (recent blog posts) and now the latest, this from the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
In order of their most common appearance;
1. Poverty
2. Criticism
3. Ill health
4. Loss of someone's love
5. Old age
6. Death
No. 3 n 4 really got my attention!
Excellence, Passion, Self-Mastery, Beauty, Contribution
I love Robin Sharma, specifically how he expresses his words he is a motivational speaker, author and i guess plus plus many other things, one day i also hope to be a guru of some sort!
This is what he had to say under his blog titled; ONE OF THE GREATEST KEYS TO SUCCESS
A key piece to playing at your absolute best as a leader (and as a person) is to ensure that your daily schedule reflects your deepest values. Anything less is a flight from integrity.
One of the exercises I've been taking our clients through at my "Leadership in Turbulent Times" workshop is called "The 5 Main Values." I take participants through a powerful visualization where they visit themselves, not as they now are but as they want to be at the end of their career. Then they record the main 5 values they will have wished they'd worked under.
I wanted to share my own 5 Main Values with you. I hope you'll share yours with me on Twitter so we can continue this conversation. Anyway, here are the top 5 values I want to work by and stay true to:
1. EXCELLENCE. I adore this word. My goal is to work at a level of excellence, constantly refining my craft as an author and speaker - while delivering outrageous values to our clients.
2. PASSION. Without passion, nothing great every gets built. Passion fuels innovation, builds a fantastic team and makes the impossible possible. I want to express my passion in all that I do. Otherwise, what's the point?
3. SELF-MASTERY. You can't be a better leader than you are a person. So every day, I work intensely on developing my inner life. I read. I reflect. I write in a journal. I exercise. And do all those things I need to do to express my best.
4. BEAUTY. I'm an aesthete. I love beauty in all forms. So I make the time to look for beauty, in both expected and unexpected places. Interesting conversations are beautiful to me; brilliantly designed products (think Apple) are beautiful to me. Great food, fresh nature, cool architecture, a strong cup of coffee in the morning and modern art are all some of the things that fill my life with a sense of beauty.
5. CONTRIBUTION. Leadership is about doing deeds that live on long after your death. I want to do things that will help people awaken to the fact that, regardless of what they do and where they are, they have the opportunity (and responsibility) to show leadership in their work and at their life. Few things are important to me than feeling I'm making a difference for people. And doing my part to build a better world.
This is what he had to say under his blog titled; ONE OF THE GREATEST KEYS TO SUCCESS
A key piece to playing at your absolute best as a leader (and as a person) is to ensure that your daily schedule reflects your deepest values. Anything less is a flight from integrity.
One of the exercises I've been taking our clients through at my "Leadership in Turbulent Times" workshop is called "The 5 Main Values." I take participants through a powerful visualization where they visit themselves, not as they now are but as they want to be at the end of their career. Then they record the main 5 values they will have wished they'd worked under.
I wanted to share my own 5 Main Values with you. I hope you'll share yours with me on Twitter so we can continue this conversation. Anyway, here are the top 5 values I want to work by and stay true to:
1. EXCELLENCE. I adore this word. My goal is to work at a level of excellence, constantly refining my craft as an author and speaker - while delivering outrageous values to our clients.
2. PASSION. Without passion, nothing great every gets built. Passion fuels innovation, builds a fantastic team and makes the impossible possible. I want to express my passion in all that I do. Otherwise, what's the point?
3. SELF-MASTERY. You can't be a better leader than you are a person. So every day, I work intensely on developing my inner life. I read. I reflect. I write in a journal. I exercise. And do all those things I need to do to express my best.
4. BEAUTY. I'm an aesthete. I love beauty in all forms. So I make the time to look for beauty, in both expected and unexpected places. Interesting conversations are beautiful to me; brilliantly designed products (think Apple) are beautiful to me. Great food, fresh nature, cool architecture, a strong cup of coffee in the morning and modern art are all some of the things that fill my life with a sense of beauty.
5. CONTRIBUTION. Leadership is about doing deeds that live on long after your death. I want to do things that will help people awaken to the fact that, regardless of what they do and where they are, they have the opportunity (and responsibility) to show leadership in their work and at their life. Few things are important to me than feeling I'm making a difference for people. And doing my part to build a better world.
Harmonised Draft Constitution
I have been feeling patriotic of late and so finally i have the constitution saved on my desktop.
Yesterday i started reading it (pat on the back....... :) thanks), a bit late but still this time around i wanna be informed, when people talk about contentious issues i want to know exactly what these issues are. My plan is to read at least 4 chapters every day, there are 21 chapters meaning that it shouldn't take me more that one week to complete it, digesting it might take a bit longer though i hope that 'lawyery' jargon's have been broken down!
From the little reviews atleast i know that i love the fact that it has provisions for dual citizenship, this is something that should make me put a yes and endorse the draft, my brothers and sisters in the diaspora must also be smiling at this. Nothing is perfect but considering we have been operating with the colloquial one i urge all Kenyans to read it and suggest on where we need to improve and finally lets adopt this thing.
This will really mark a milestone to our history.
Viva Kenya!
Yesterday i started reading it (pat on the back....... :) thanks), a bit late but still this time around i wanna be informed, when people talk about contentious issues i want to know exactly what these issues are. My plan is to read at least 4 chapters every day, there are 21 chapters meaning that it shouldn't take me more that one week to complete it, digesting it might take a bit longer though i hope that 'lawyery' jargon's have been broken down!
From the little reviews atleast i know that i love the fact that it has provisions for dual citizenship, this is something that should make me put a yes and endorse the draft, my brothers and sisters in the diaspora must also be smiling at this. Nothing is perfect but considering we have been operating with the colloquial one i urge all Kenyans to read it and suggest on where we need to improve and finally lets adopt this thing.
This will really mark a milestone to our history.
Viva Kenya!
It's in moments like this
That i need a....
Clearly i have a weakness when it come to dealing to rude people. How can one email ruin my entire afternoon. Not really the email but it just worked to add salt to the already challenging day. None of my secretary back up plans seem to be working, ohh i also hate not delivery on my task, it is my responsibility and i should deal with it right? Right.
Ok, i know i don't want derailment today planning to have an early one to rebuild my energy reserves but did my phone have to die on me on all days ....Furahiday and particularly when i was on an important call?
All this is giving me a soft headache.
Did we have to have our classes in that particular venue. One its far from the road meaning that with the kind heels that i am wearing i will have a long, gruesome journey. Today being today means that we might also meet people coming to pick their departed ones or even join in the service as passerbys - sad.
Whaaa, the real issue is the rude email, for crying out loud i was only trying to be helpful. Since when did being helpful equal nagging!
Too much winning for one day. Have a good weekend y'all.
Clearly i have a weakness when it come to dealing to rude people. How can one email ruin my entire afternoon. Not really the email but it just worked to add salt to the already challenging day. None of my secretary back up plans seem to be working, ohh i also hate not delivery on my task, it is my responsibility and i should deal with it right? Right.
Ok, i know i don't want derailment today planning to have an early one to rebuild my energy reserves but did my phone have to die on me on all days ....Furahiday and particularly when i was on an important call?
All this is giving me a soft headache.
Did we have to have our classes in that particular venue. One its far from the road meaning that with the kind heels that i am wearing i will have a long, gruesome journey. Today being today means that we might also meet people coming to pick their departed ones or even join in the service as passerbys - sad.
Whaaa, the real issue is the rude email, for crying out loud i was only trying to be helpful. Since when did being helpful equal nagging!
Too much winning for one day. Have a good weekend y'all.
Evidently, i live in a very beautiful country. I hope some of these photos will help shape up my holiday come December the last thing i wanna do is to be stuck in the the city, what a bore!
My collection of inspiration quotes
1. I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas Edison
2. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. Mohammed Ali
3. If he can't meet you where you are....leave him where he's at. J
4. Every Saint Has a Past, Every Sinner Has A Future. J
5. it don't really matter, what matters is that its happened. Pick up the pieces and move on... its the only way to make it through the storms and waves of life. Kamama
6. If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.-Martin Luther King Jr.
7. Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nurture a person’s growth
8. Life is a game, like checkers or chess, and the players opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving or neglect to move promptly, your pieces will be wiped off the board. Time is a partner who will not tolerate indecision. Napoleon Hill
9. Blaming the wolf would not help the sheep much. The sheep must learn not to fall into the clutches of the wolf. Mahatma Gandhi
10. There can be no friendship between cowards, or cowards and brave men. Mahatma Gandhi
11. Mere brave speech without action is letting off useless steam. Mahatma Gandhi
12. Life is not a sprint but a marathon, u must understand yourself and know at which stage you need to run, jog, walk, crawl, sip some water....but most importantly stick to ur race. Truly me
13. Life is just like a sea, we are moving without an end. Nothing stays with us,
what remains is just the memories of some people who touched us as Waves. Anonymous
14. Baby mosquito came back after 1st time flying. His mom asked him "How do you feel?" He replied "It was wonderful, Everyone was clapping for me!" Anonymous
15. "Success is the effort in the journey, to laugh often to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to eat appreciation of honest critics and endure betrayal of false friends;to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better" Morris Rauf
16. Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your blessings in stone. Sharon Kisire
17. Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. Mahatma Gandhi
18. Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are. James Allen
19. Not what he wishes and prays for does a man get, but what he justly earns. His wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions. James Allen
2. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. Mohammed Ali
3. If he can't meet you where you are....leave him where he's at. J
4. Every Saint Has a Past, Every Sinner Has A Future. J
5. it don't really matter, what matters is that its happened. Pick up the pieces and move on... its the only way to make it through the storms and waves of life. Kamama
6. If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.-Martin Luther King Jr.
7. Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nurture a person’s growth
8. Life is a game, like checkers or chess, and the players opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving or neglect to move promptly, your pieces will be wiped off the board. Time is a partner who will not tolerate indecision. Napoleon Hill
9. Blaming the wolf would not help the sheep much. The sheep must learn not to fall into the clutches of the wolf. Mahatma Gandhi
10. There can be no friendship between cowards, or cowards and brave men. Mahatma Gandhi
11. Mere brave speech without action is letting off useless steam. Mahatma Gandhi
12. Life is not a sprint but a marathon, u must understand yourself and know at which stage you need to run, jog, walk, crawl, sip some water....but most importantly stick to ur race. Truly me
13. Life is just like a sea, we are moving without an end. Nothing stays with us,
what remains is just the memories of some people who touched us as Waves. Anonymous
14. Baby mosquito came back after 1st time flying. His mom asked him "How do you feel?" He replied "It was wonderful, Everyone was clapping for me!" Anonymous
15. "Success is the effort in the journey, to laugh often to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to eat appreciation of honest critics and endure betrayal of false friends;to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better" Morris Rauf
16. Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your blessings in stone. Sharon Kisire
17. Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served. Mahatma Gandhi
18. Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are. James Allen
19. Not what he wishes and prays for does a man get, but what he justly earns. His wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions. James Allen
What next?
In June the editor of a local daily choose to publish my article, in September True Love magazine published my article. Since last year June when i first started the blog i have an accumulation of 50 articles...i call it my small empire of articles where i capture the happenings of my life. Also helps me keep track of where i have been.
I don't think its too early in the year to start asking myself the question so what next? December is already here and we know what happens, the new year creeps in and most of us like taking inventory of ourselves. We all learn to crawl first before we start walking, question is i am still crawling when i should be walking or walking when i should be running? Am i really doing enough for myself?
Honestly, at the moment i have no answer to these pertinent question that i choose to be troubled with. In due time i will, i have faith that the ahhh moment will soon come.
The Marathon Experience season II
"No medal for us but just a certificate and quite some energy left, I purpose not to miss this kind of race and again. God willing I will be back next year to do the 21km race." Those were my words in my blog dated 10/27/2008 titled The marathon Experience.
Am so thankful to God that those words came to pass. Yesterday we were at it again, this time I had no butterflies in my tummy like I had the previous year the day to the marathon on the contrary I felt organised. However the only problem was that I was unwell the last week to the marathon and am still nursing myself and as such had slacked in my training the last two weeks to the marathon. All in all I was not ready to let the ill health nor the fact that pms was all over the place hold me back!
Dark and early I rose and by 6.30 we were at the stadium. At about 7.25 the race began. I felt comfortable running all through past to the 10 km and I think up to the 15 km point. At some point it started raining and stopped and even started again even more heavily and I was thinking this is just thee race! Trouble started when I was about 4 km or so to the finish line, I had felt my right knee twinge earlier on and had ignored it but now the pain became more and more intense, like it was a dislocated knee or something. Not that I have dislocated a knee before, but I hope u get my drift. Poor me I thought, I had done so well managed to pass many people along the way but now this, everyone will overtake me!.....quel pitie!
I stopped and walked for a while and getting that knee to run again was the hardest and most painful thing i had to endure, from then on it was run a little bit then walk until I got to the stadium entrance.
I definitely knew that my colleagues who had finished earlier on were at the stadium waiting for the rest of us and they might applaud as I approached the finish line but I wasn’t sure if I could run the last 300 meters with my paining knee (talk of wanting to make a statement ;)). I stood outside for a minute or two trying to compose myself while other runners were trying to encourage me and telling me that I can do it and at long last I entered the stadium limp-running and just as I approached the finish line I heard them cheering me on, it felt nice to be encouraged but ideally I would have loved to finish in style.......that is do the last 100 meters sprint as you wave to the 'fans'. Slowly and with difficulty I ran on and waved at them and nothing felt better than crossing that finish line (with some style too). My assumption is that I did the race in about 2.5 or a bit more hours.
I got a medal, a certificate and had no ounce of energy left like the previous year but loads and loads of self satisfaction.
What next? I pray that God gives me another year to do another marathon even though it feels like my body will never be able to exercise again I know that I will recover and again it’s for a good cause....for someone to be blessed with the ability to see!
Dreams do really come true!
Am so thankful to God that those words came to pass. Yesterday we were at it again, this time I had no butterflies in my tummy like I had the previous year the day to the marathon on the contrary I felt organised. However the only problem was that I was unwell the last week to the marathon and am still nursing myself and as such had slacked in my training the last two weeks to the marathon. All in all I was not ready to let the ill health nor the fact that pms was all over the place hold me back!
Dark and early I rose and by 6.30 we were at the stadium. At about 7.25 the race began. I felt comfortable running all through past to the 10 km and I think up to the 15 km point. At some point it started raining and stopped and even started again even more heavily and I was thinking this is just thee race! Trouble started when I was about 4 km or so to the finish line, I had felt my right knee twinge earlier on and had ignored it but now the pain became more and more intense, like it was a dislocated knee or something. Not that I have dislocated a knee before, but I hope u get my drift. Poor me I thought, I had done so well managed to pass many people along the way but now this, everyone will overtake me!.....quel pitie!
I stopped and walked for a while and getting that knee to run again was the hardest and most painful thing i had to endure, from then on it was run a little bit then walk until I got to the stadium entrance.
I definitely knew that my colleagues who had finished earlier on were at the stadium waiting for the rest of us and they might applaud as I approached the finish line but I wasn’t sure if I could run the last 300 meters with my paining knee (talk of wanting to make a statement ;)). I stood outside for a minute or two trying to compose myself while other runners were trying to encourage me and telling me that I can do it and at long last I entered the stadium limp-running and just as I approached the finish line I heard them cheering me on, it felt nice to be encouraged but ideally I would have loved to finish in style.......that is do the last 100 meters sprint as you wave to the 'fans'. Slowly and with difficulty I ran on and waved at them and nothing felt better than crossing that finish line (with some style too). My assumption is that I did the race in about 2.5 or a bit more hours.
I got a medal, a certificate and had no ounce of energy left like the previous year but loads and loads of self satisfaction.
What next? I pray that God gives me another year to do another marathon even though it feels like my body will never be able to exercise again I know that I will recover and again it’s for a good cause....for someone to be blessed with the ability to see!
Dreams do really come true!
Kamama is now on twitter on http://twitter.com/thymoments . To all the twitters, lets follow and following each other. with all the many social sites to update and check i don't promise but i will try and see if i can keep all the pans steaming at the same time.
Continue being plus size
This year i have made so many visits to the hospital, i think enough to match up all my life's visit to the hospital. What i am wondering is, does the principle of 'when you smile to the world it smile back' or 'when you give you get many returns back' in that, when you start going to hospital you keep going back and back? Or could it be because there are such handsome doctors where i go? My prayer is that God continues to bless me with good health as it has been in the past.
I will leave out the details as to why i was making the visits. So I finally managed to have them prick at my veins and draw blood a procedure that i have never allowed any doctor or nurse to carry out on me, dont ask how i got by with some things. True to the technicians words it was not as painful as i thought and i thank him 'remotely' for being extremely patient with me throughout the exercise. What he failed to mention is that my arm would ache for the next couple of days, nevertheless i forgive him.
The interpretation of the results is what annoyed me, everything else was ok besides my red blood cells count. Fine fine, i know that i might be a little underweight just a little and i work on that but to hear that my red blood cells count was low and that i might be a little anemic was not good news at all.
With all the healthy living that i do, talk of traditional vegetables and am in, natural this and that finds themselves in my house, i even cook my ugali nowadays with 'incasa amaranth' flour leave alone the fact that the flour is so hard to cook with i cant dare prepare it for a visitor. Gosh, i even cook omenas!
Clearly there is nothing funky with being thin not when the doctor tries to give you some high school lecture on nutrition! Now that the world seems to rotate around the plus sized women and tips for this and that on them, my advice would be, continue being plus size well for as long as your health. Follow all the tips they may have for you other than the weight loosing tips because surely the grass aint as green as you think on this side.
I will leave out the details as to why i was making the visits. So I finally managed to have them prick at my veins and draw blood a procedure that i have never allowed any doctor or nurse to carry out on me, dont ask how i got by with some things. True to the technicians words it was not as painful as i thought and i thank him 'remotely' for being extremely patient with me throughout the exercise. What he failed to mention is that my arm would ache for the next couple of days, nevertheless i forgive him.
The interpretation of the results is what annoyed me, everything else was ok besides my red blood cells count. Fine fine, i know that i might be a little underweight just a little and i work on that but to hear that my red blood cells count was low and that i might be a little anemic was not good news at all.
With all the healthy living that i do, talk of traditional vegetables and am in, natural this and that finds themselves in my house, i even cook my ugali nowadays with 'incasa amaranth' flour leave alone the fact that the flour is so hard to cook with i cant dare prepare it for a visitor. Gosh, i even cook omenas!
Clearly there is nothing funky with being thin not when the doctor tries to give you some high school lecture on nutrition! Now that the world seems to rotate around the plus sized women and tips for this and that on them, my advice would be, continue being plus size well for as long as your health. Follow all the tips they may have for you other than the weight loosing tips because surely the grass aint as green as you think on this side.
My Boyfriend and I - Our Sweet Union!
Without fail we meet every Friday not unless there is something else very important that i have to attend to.
For the past two year we've been together but our union has become closer this year when roles were better defined! Like any relationship, it has not been easy the commitment levels required are high but i have immensely benefited from our Friday dates and also the other events that we hold on weekends and other days. I have met many many friends as a result of our relationship, i have developed my skills and most importantly i have been able to give back to the society.
Attending Friday Rotaract fellowship meetings has been the event and Rotaract is the boyfriend between 6.30-8.00 pm.
Some of our plots have been boring while most have been thrilling. The most recent best date for me was having a saxophonist - Jackson Anduuru - come to share his experience with the instrument since he was young up to now at almost 30 yrs or there about. He further played to us some of his favourite tracks and listening to his jazz cd at home just makes my evenings so serene (not to mention it was autographed with love).
Others have been some financial guys who come to teach us on how to invest our money, a few tips on how to increase the size of the pie so that one achieves more without straining the salary.
Caroline Nderitu, the poet was also a terrific guest. She gave us great tips on public speaking and presentation...the list is long.
But the one who nailed it for me, the one who i will never forget in a long while is one Kahenya of Zuqka.com who gave us a writing assignment! We were supposed to each write an article on social media and how the evening's discussion has influenced us for some catchy reward else buy him and 29 of his pals pints. Since most of us are used to going to listen and then bounce this was a tough one and we automatically lost the bet.
Click on the link below to find out what i had to say......
Eye on social media
As always, am looking forward to this Friday's date! ur welcome yes u... :)
For the past two year we've been together but our union has become closer this year when roles were better defined! Like any relationship, it has not been easy the commitment levels required are high but i have immensely benefited from our Friday dates and also the other events that we hold on weekends and other days. I have met many many friends as a result of our relationship, i have developed my skills and most importantly i have been able to give back to the society.
Attending Friday Rotaract fellowship meetings has been the event and Rotaract is the boyfriend between 6.30-8.00 pm.
Some of our plots have been boring while most have been thrilling. The most recent best date for me was having a saxophonist - Jackson Anduuru - come to share his experience with the instrument since he was young up to now at almost 30 yrs or there about. He further played to us some of his favourite tracks and listening to his jazz cd at home just makes my evenings so serene (not to mention it was autographed with love).
Others have been some financial guys who come to teach us on how to invest our money, a few tips on how to increase the size of the pie so that one achieves more without straining the salary.
Caroline Nderitu, the poet was also a terrific guest. She gave us great tips on public speaking and presentation...the list is long.
But the one who nailed it for me, the one who i will never forget in a long while is one Kahenya of Zuqka.com who gave us a writing assignment! We were supposed to each write an article on social media and how the evening's discussion has influenced us for some catchy reward else buy him and 29 of his pals pints. Since most of us are used to going to listen and then bounce this was a tough one and we automatically lost the bet.
Click on the link below to find out what i had to say......
Eye on social media
As always, am looking forward to this Friday's date! ur welcome yes u... :)
list of books that i have to read
Amazing how the forces of nature work towards delivery some things.
Without any mentioning of it a friend brags how they have the book ‘Who moved my cheese’ on soft copy, delightedly of course since I had always wanted to read that book I ask him to send me and he happily promises to do so. Some two weeks down the line I am still waiting for that email.
This Tuesday, my eyes spot the book being sold by the street vendors in town I walk up to them ask the price and they say 500bob, I contemplate for a few minutes on whether to buy or not then decide to compare the price in a bookstore and see which one is cheaper (I mean life is all about cutting costs ya!). The next day while at sarit center, I decide to pop in to text books centre and ogle at their variety of books and guess what I came across, my book of desire at ksh 390. Without thinking twice I grab the book and now am so looking forward to reading it.
Back to the main dish......
1. Who moved my cheese (this is as good as done :))
2. EXECUTION - The Discipline of Getting Things Done
3. How to make money in stocks by Willian J. O'Neil
4. Brand from the inside
5. Ten rules for strategic innovators
6. Seeing what's next
7. Millionaire next door
8. Rich man in Babylon
Without any mentioning of it a friend brags how they have the book ‘Who moved my cheese’ on soft copy, delightedly of course since I had always wanted to read that book I ask him to send me and he happily promises to do so. Some two weeks down the line I am still waiting for that email.
This Tuesday, my eyes spot the book being sold by the street vendors in town I walk up to them ask the price and they say 500bob, I contemplate for a few minutes on whether to buy or not then decide to compare the price in a bookstore and see which one is cheaper (I mean life is all about cutting costs ya!). The next day while at sarit center, I decide to pop in to text books centre and ogle at their variety of books and guess what I came across, my book of desire at ksh 390. Without thinking twice I grab the book and now am so looking forward to reading it.
Back to the main dish......
1. Who moved my cheese (this is as good as done :))
2. EXECUTION - The Discipline of Getting Things Done
3. How to make money in stocks by Willian J. O'Neil
4. Brand from the inside
5. Ten rules for strategic innovators
6. Seeing what's next
7. Millionaire next door
8. Rich man in Babylon
Know what can and can't work for you
If i hadn't learnt by experience then this time i would have done the same mistake again. Yes at that time it was hard but as every wise person knows its the experiences that we carry along after an event / circumstance that matters and i intend to use the past experiences to shield me from committing the same mistake, not really twice because i might have gone through that more than once but from doing the same mistake this time and also in future.
Last Sunday i had started watching the movie 'he is not that into you' and stopped watching i think 20 minutes into the movie. I was bored all those 'if he is not calling, if he is not marrying you, if he is saying this, if he is........' am sure there are a lot more 'ifs' i could have met with had i watched the whole movie. And the 'self made' relationship experts trying to read, analyse and recommend solutions for all the actions.
My question is, since when did dating become such a hard subject? harder than my statistics units in undergraduate. I don't deny that yes it difficult to deal with another human being, at times i even get tired with myself and even annoyed at the things i do to me so yes i would not expect anyone to find me easy to deal with and vice versa.
But what happened to trying to understand each other, open communication, a simple this can or can't work for me but we can try this and that and the rest of the tips that we all have come across in the deposits of knowledge.
Anyways, all am trying to say is that there is some level of crap we all can handle and if you think you have met that one person whose crap you can attempt to live with and that you genuinely like each other. Simply go for it, do what you can when you can for you will simply succeed or fail. Not everyone will appreciate a girl who takes initiative not everyone will appreciate one who takes a back seat either, a prettier face will always exist a more stylish one is around the corner but the world has abundance for all. All in all remember to carry the lessons learnt and don't stay down. Finally as they say, if it isn't a natural progression, then leave it....Absolutely no point of forcing it.
Last Sunday i had started watching the movie 'he is not that into you' and stopped watching i think 20 minutes into the movie. I was bored all those 'if he is not calling, if he is not marrying you, if he is saying this, if he is........' am sure there are a lot more 'ifs' i could have met with had i watched the whole movie. And the 'self made' relationship experts trying to read, analyse and recommend solutions for all the actions.
My question is, since when did dating become such a hard subject? harder than my statistics units in undergraduate. I don't deny that yes it difficult to deal with another human being, at times i even get tired with myself and even annoyed at the things i do to me so yes i would not expect anyone to find me easy to deal with and vice versa.
But what happened to trying to understand each other, open communication, a simple this can or can't work for me but we can try this and that and the rest of the tips that we all have come across in the deposits of knowledge.
Anyways, all am trying to say is that there is some level of crap we all can handle and if you think you have met that one person whose crap you can attempt to live with and that you genuinely like each other. Simply go for it, do what you can when you can for you will simply succeed or fail. Not everyone will appreciate a girl who takes initiative not everyone will appreciate one who takes a back seat either, a prettier face will always exist a more stylish one is around the corner but the world has abundance for all. All in all remember to carry the lessons learnt and don't stay down. Finally as they say, if it isn't a natural progression, then leave it....Absolutely no point of forcing it.
distributing your risk
my musings.......
Been thinking about this for long, think its something that i need to do and am not doing. Can't really put a finger on it yet but am working to it.
The advantages of having many pairs of shoes is that you don't get to exhaust one thus increasing the lifespan of them all - across board, same to having many pairs of jeans and many handbags, this reminds me that i need to do some shopping.
On different note, investing in different things i.e. put a few thousands in the bank for the rainy day, invest others in the money market, work toward owning of some property, if the same principle of the shoes can be applied here then one is more secure.
Am not sure i can say the same about friends since those are bonds that one needs to cultivate and grow them......just something i needed to get out of of my mind.
Been thinking about this for long, think its something that i need to do and am not doing. Can't really put a finger on it yet but am working to it.
The advantages of having many pairs of shoes is that you don't get to exhaust one thus increasing the lifespan of them all - across board, same to having many pairs of jeans and many handbags, this reminds me that i need to do some shopping.
On different note, investing in different things i.e. put a few thousands in the bank for the rainy day, invest others in the money market, work toward owning of some property, if the same principle of the shoes can be applied here then one is more secure.
Am not sure i can say the same about friends since those are bonds that one needs to cultivate and grow them......just something i needed to get out of of my mind.
The hot seat

Am on my second month is the hot seat, well maybe nowadays its not as hot as it was a couple of weeks back. When i heard that my boss had resigned i was shattered, saddened. I hear some people whining about their bosses and how waking up to go to work is not their favorite cup but mine has always been a different story.
He inspired me and made me aim for more, with a very interesting way of critising, harshly and politely at the same time. Success was mine to celebrate and failure was also mine to chew on.
I am on my own now, with a sticker on my desk that says 'think big, be ambitious, challenge yourself but be realistic' he liked to use those word when communicating to me. That and other other lessons that i have learnt is where i draw my strength and spirit to go on from. Though i know that soon i will have to redefine my north.
Life is all about symmetry, there is always two sides to a coin, a loss to us meant a gain somewhere else but also an opportunity for us to grow. I got rid of my old chair and now (before it gets a new occupant, if at all it will) am swinging on a task chair, sometime back i was looking at a catalogue with their price and i was like ahhh no way will i be able to justify my need for one ....... and boy my back has never felt better :).I can turn on my speakers on without being a noise nuisance to anyone, i hope you are getting my drift!
It always comes back, press down shaken together and running over. Doing and giving it your all. Making the boss feel good, hey who doesn't like to be pampered once in a while. Though mine was entirely genuine a goodbye card, goodbye message that had very kind words - which were all true and of course the blessing of the Lord earned me some money that i really needed for going back to school. Just when i had almost given up and kaboom, the cheque is clearing.
The Lord's timing is always perfect. Give with a cheerful heart. Give it your best when you have the opportunity. Become the best that you can.
Accountability partners - we all need one
Today kamama made a come back to the running world. I had taken a commercial break courtesy of my hair - yes a woman's life is quite a handful! Leave alone the fact that i think running is pretty tough on the muscles but that is story for another day as in another month i plan to be doing my 21km race marathon.
I quickly agreed to a route that i wasn't familiar with since i love trying new things that's one of the many reason why am not repeating the 10km race category this year. The first few minutes of the run were okay as i was in tandem with my running mate, shoulder to shoulder, neck to neck. Now the return trip was something else.
Beating all odds i managed to propel my body up the hill but as soon as i was done with it i was gone, totally exhausted wondering when will i get to the finishing point. My mate was beginning to give me mileage and in a few seconds she way ahead of me but seeing as i was experiencing difficulties she decided to slow down.
At that point i thought that's not very nice of her, why cant she go on! Its the return trip anyway i will make it back. You See i was in my comfort zone. But seeing as she had slowed her pace down for me i had to up my game, she was the first one among all the runners and now someone had passed her because of me. My only option was to increase my speed and so i ran and ran and caught up with her and together we finished what we had started in an averagely good time.
Had i been on my own i would definitely have taken longer and maybe even walked part of the way back. That's how important an accountability partner is.
Someone who can wait for you to fasten your laces and help you catch up with the rest. Someone who can help you get back on our feet when the road seems too challenging. Someone who can motivate us to the next level as the short 'pleasures' of the comfort zone can really deceive.
Am on a quest to look for more of such.............
I quickly agreed to a route that i wasn't familiar with since i love trying new things that's one of the many reason why am not repeating the 10km race category this year. The first few minutes of the run were okay as i was in tandem with my running mate, shoulder to shoulder, neck to neck. Now the return trip was something else.
Beating all odds i managed to propel my body up the hill but as soon as i was done with it i was gone, totally exhausted wondering when will i get to the finishing point. My mate was beginning to give me mileage and in a few seconds she way ahead of me but seeing as i was experiencing difficulties she decided to slow down.
At that point i thought that's not very nice of her, why cant she go on! Its the return trip anyway i will make it back. You See i was in my comfort zone. But seeing as she had slowed her pace down for me i had to up my game, she was the first one among all the runners and now someone had passed her because of me. My only option was to increase my speed and so i ran and ran and caught up with her and together we finished what we had started in an averagely good time.
Had i been on my own i would definitely have taken longer and maybe even walked part of the way back. That's how important an accountability partner is.
Someone who can wait for you to fasten your laces and help you catch up with the rest. Someone who can help you get back on our feet when the road seems too challenging. Someone who can motivate us to the next level as the short 'pleasures' of the comfort zone can really deceive.
Am on a quest to look for more of such.............
Giving it my best

I wish that I was lying on a hammock, somewhere blissful and beautiful. With nothing on my mind but total peace, tranquillity and serenity. Sipping some sweet cocktail. The birds in the air singing to me, while I softly rock myself. Counting my blessing and marvelling at God’s creation and beauty.....admiring the blue skies while the sun rays gently burn my skin.
Ohhh how I would love for that to get me out of this tiredness. It’s too early in the day for me to be feeling like this and I haven’t even written down my to do list for the day. While change is inevitable adapting to new things takes a while and to move one’s state of mind from one level to the other can be quite strenuous .......explains the headaches. Taking each of life’s moment in a positive way has and is my guiding principle but sometimes trying to stick to the guiding principle can be as hard as not having any.
A good steward is one who takes challenges as opportunities. Who when they are given something like the parable in the bible goes forth to multiple it and not bury it in some hole just to present the same same gift back to their master.
The Bible says, “Is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete” (James 1:2–4 LB).
And with that I will put my holiday plans on hold for a little while and get ready to face the day with a bright smile. For at the end of it all, I need to be accountable.
Please take me home with you, ours will be a sweet relationship, a sweet romance like for the shoe and the shopper. You need me more than you would like to confess, i know you have been looking for something like this for a while now and today you found it. Your epiphany moment has finally come. I can finally be yours!
Never have i ever been tormented like i was yesterday evening. Shopping and window shopping is always a pleasure but trouble began when everything i seemed to set my eyes upon was the perfect size which could go into filling some hole in my wardrobe never mind the size of the hole.
From the perfect shoes, the perfect top not to mention right colour which would complement my skin colour to the perfect lingerie which would make me feel extremely sexy. That was a real test of self will, only thing that saved me i think was the bigger picture. Been saving for quite a while now and i didn’t think i wanted to let those 'big' temptation to come in the way of my item of desire and I.
I might have won the battle yesterday but the war still persists. What will i do when i walk into those stores a couple of days from now and find the same things waiting for me, my heart beats faster when i think about that. Will i keep fighting or should i surrender and say fate is bringing us together. We were just meant to be.
Never have i ever been tormented like i was yesterday evening. Shopping and window shopping is always a pleasure but trouble began when everything i seemed to set my eyes upon was the perfect size which could go into filling some hole in my wardrobe never mind the size of the hole.
From the perfect shoes, the perfect top not to mention right colour which would complement my skin colour to the perfect lingerie which would make me feel extremely sexy. That was a real test of self will, only thing that saved me i think was the bigger picture. Been saving for quite a while now and i didn’t think i wanted to let those 'big' temptation to come in the way of my item of desire and I.
I might have won the battle yesterday but the war still persists. What will i do when i walk into those stores a couple of days from now and find the same things waiting for me, my heart beats faster when i think about that. Will i keep fighting or should i surrender and say fate is bringing us together. We were just meant to be.
Pysching up for the greatest race
Am just about to hit the ground for my lunch time run. Its official now i have began training for the marathon.
My plan is to do the 21 km race in about 2 hours, i must say this looks quite ambitious for one who is not keen when it comes to running but nevertheless i have been exercising, swimming has been my kind of thing! But now i have a dream and in front of that dream is an obstacle that i must overcome.
Whats my game plan? at least try and run 3 times a week and constantly increase the mileage as the days go by. Ohh yes and of course eat a lot since i don't wish to loose an ounce of my hard earned kilos.
Time frame about 3 months!
Stick around and i will tell you the results come October and just for the records i don't plan to be one of those who will be waited for hours on end to reach the finish line!
......2 hours later - if that was anything to go by, the kiddies race would be ideal :). Ave got work to do
My plan is to do the 21 km race in about 2 hours, i must say this looks quite ambitious for one who is not keen when it comes to running but nevertheless i have been exercising, swimming has been my kind of thing! But now i have a dream and in front of that dream is an obstacle that i must overcome.
Whats my game plan? at least try and run 3 times a week and constantly increase the mileage as the days go by. Ohh yes and of course eat a lot since i don't wish to loose an ounce of my hard earned kilos.
Time frame about 3 months!
Stick around and i will tell you the results come October and just for the records i don't plan to be one of those who will be waited for hours on end to reach the finish line!
......2 hours later - if that was anything to go by, the kiddies race would be ideal :). Ave got work to do
The Silver Has Been Polished!
Its been a month now since turning the big, let me hold it there the big O is still on its way (not that O i mean 30).
So after celebrating what I think was one of the best birthdays, it was time to do a checklist / inventory of me specifically health wise. One of my greatest fears is going to hospitals and a greater one is the site of needles and the other apparatus that one come’s face to face with and as such i have been a titan of procrastinating where that is concerned.
After much persuasion and pleading by my friend I made my debut visit to the dentist to get a filling on a cavity that has been developing since I was about 19! I think I gave the doctor such a hard time when I showed her one of my last tooth that never fully grew she wasn’t keen on giving a second appointed.
Second stop was the vct, it had been about two and half years since my last visit and don’t we know how harrowing that experience can be. The counseling session went on for longer than usual and am sitting opposite him wondering can he see through me, do I look suspicious or something am I giving ‘leading’ answers? Another funny thing this particular room was pretty small and I could see the control kits and how the blood was flowing. At one point I saw one line and smiled in my heart at another I saw two lines and wished that I had something to numb all my nerves. After an agonizing 45 minutes by which I had made such a list of dos and don’t s I couldn’t ask for a better miracle from the Lord than ‘YOU’RE RESULTS ARE NEGATIVE’.
Third stop was another debut visit. Much as there is lots of publicity about this type of test at times it really has to take a deep personal initiative and decision to do something. I went and did a pap smear test, had heard so much stories about the procedure and when I actually did I was like is this all? save for the drop the pants part which felt wierd, why all the fear! Am thankful to God again for some terrific results.
In as much as a blood test still awaits me coz of the fear of having blood been drawn from me!
I must acknowledge it’s been a somewhat challenging couple of weeks, but there isn’t a better way that I would have loved to mark the beginning of a new era in my life than by getting a really personal and intimate look at myself and my lifestyle. Now with all the knowledge and facts am at a better place when it comes to making some decisions of my life, the stakes are definitely higher. The silver has indeed been polished!.
So after celebrating what I think was one of the best birthdays, it was time to do a checklist / inventory of me specifically health wise. One of my greatest fears is going to hospitals and a greater one is the site of needles and the other apparatus that one come’s face to face with and as such i have been a titan of procrastinating where that is concerned.
After much persuasion and pleading by my friend I made my debut visit to the dentist to get a filling on a cavity that has been developing since I was about 19! I think I gave the doctor such a hard time when I showed her one of my last tooth that never fully grew she wasn’t keen on giving a second appointed.
Second stop was the vct, it had been about two and half years since my last visit and don’t we know how harrowing that experience can be. The counseling session went on for longer than usual and am sitting opposite him wondering can he see through me, do I look suspicious or something am I giving ‘leading’ answers? Another funny thing this particular room was pretty small and I could see the control kits and how the blood was flowing. At one point I saw one line and smiled in my heart at another I saw two lines and wished that I had something to numb all my nerves. After an agonizing 45 minutes by which I had made such a list of dos and don’t s I couldn’t ask for a better miracle from the Lord than ‘YOU’RE RESULTS ARE NEGATIVE’.
Third stop was another debut visit. Much as there is lots of publicity about this type of test at times it really has to take a deep personal initiative and decision to do something. I went and did a pap smear test, had heard so much stories about the procedure and when I actually did I was like is this all? save for the drop the pants part which felt wierd, why all the fear! Am thankful to God again for some terrific results.
In as much as a blood test still awaits me coz of the fear of having blood been drawn from me!
I must acknowledge it’s been a somewhat challenging couple of weeks, but there isn’t a better way that I would have loved to mark the beginning of a new era in my life than by getting a really personal and intimate look at myself and my lifestyle. Now with all the knowledge and facts am at a better place when it comes to making some decisions of my life, the stakes are definitely higher. The silver has indeed been polished!.
Of writing from the heart
It's a Happy 1st Anniversary to thymoments.blogspot.com! and this comes with a some great lessons to me.
Since I started writing this blog. I have published articles only to delete them immediately after, or even after weeks or months of publication.
I have discovered that there is a great risk involved in writing things straight from the heart, driven by emotions and situations (particularly negative emotions and feelings) and having no one to edit them. Sometime what you write tends to rub some people you never intended to the wrong way, or it may just happen to be a misplaced written down thought. My initial strategy was to have an offline blog where I could pour it out as raw as it came, which seemed to work for a while but what happens when someone accidentally comes across such articles. Not to mention that there are things I have written and when I read them am like ehhh...... As for the online articles that I go back and delete that will only work for new readers but I know people who save and read the articles at their own time and so what I have deleted is actually not deleted in their records.
The greatest lesson I have learnt from this is not to write when am angry or when am full of lethal negative energy. In the past it used to be my way of letting it out which for a while seemed to work very well but I think am better off screaming it out in the field or apply some other outlet mechanism. Same case applies to replying sms when angered or emails because the danger in writing is that it leaves a permanent mark on the other end which you cannot erase.
Making headlines ....Some more great news!

I sit silently with my laptop before me, in the wee hours of the morning. Besides the bed lies a gift – beautifully wrapped in silver paper. Tomorrow is Father’s Day and as a token of my love and appreciation to the special man in my life. I will honor him with it. I carefully picked the gift, an antique clock from a store in town three weeks ago. (here the editor played around with my words)
As i type this piece, my mind wanders. I reflect on the different men in my life who truly deserve a standing ovation. This is not because of the gigantic things that they do, but the little acts of kindness done in love, for that is what really matters.
As a bachelorette who lives on her own, first I salute my taxi driver. He is like my guardian angel particularly on those long nights! He is the one that I trust more than anyone else to make sure that am home safely, many are the nights when his seat becomes a temporary sleeping zone as he drives me home and waits until am safely inside the compound to start off his engine and head his way. He is that special driver who cannot over bill me or take excess change in case my brain’s calculator switches off! He is also the one who doesn’t mind going to the nearest shop to send me airtime when I feel that I just can’t move an inch.
Secondly, the caretaker at home. The man who assists with all the heavy duty tasks around the house. He is the one who I quickly call when I buy something and need help in moving things around. He is the one who sorts my small house repairs and advices on how to nail it and screw it! He is the first person on my doorstep when he hears a scream only to find out that it’s a lizard terrorising me. And he is the one who handle all the excess and left over meals in my house as the guilt of throwing food away consumes me to the spine.
Then there is the watchman. Him I feel that I use him in a selfish way. He is the one to chase away all the unwanted intruders and the un-invited guests. However, he is the first person I see each and every morning as I leave the house and the last person I see when I enter the house save for the TV characters! His smile and salute gears me for the day ahead.
There is also the bus driver. The second man who I interact with in the formative hours of the morning. You’re cautious driving, discipline and the passion at which you do your work amazes me. You strive all you can to make sure that we arrive safely and in good time to work. The same is replicated in the evening.
To all the husbands out there, as Christ loved the church please do the same to your wives, lets not hear any more abuse in the name of taking care of the children, washing dishes, helping with house chores etc! Women are meant to be helpers and not slaves, so kindly quit the whinning and let everyone do their part to bringing up a happy home. We appreciate that you are the heads but appreciate even more when you lead with wisdom.
To all the fathers and men out there we appreciate the love, the support, the sacrifice and the many other things that you do for us. You are a pillar to our lives, a source of strength and we respect, love and appreciate you immensely.
Just like the eyes cannot survive on their own without the head and similarly the rest of the body parts. We are an eco-system and we need each other so much than we imagine. Men are truly a blessing to our lives and we honour this father’s day.
To all the sons and daughters join me in extending A Happy Father’s Day celebration to all the men out there!
counting down
It only a matter of hours now, the three months I had once talked about have come to pass. I will soon be celebrating my birthday, marking the beginning of another new year. It been quite a great year, a year of plenty of developments, a year of making mistakes but all in all one with plenty blessings.
I cannot count them all but some of the lessons that I pray (so help me God) to be carrying forth with me to new year include;
#1 – Never be too quick to judge. Sometimes the people you least expect are the ones who pull through for you.
#2 – If you don’t carry the experiences that you have learnt and put in them into practice then there isn’t any growth.
#3 – Life throws both sweet moment and thorny moments – I choose to embrace them all in a smile and a smile behind the tears.
#4 – I cannot make it on my own, as the famous saying goes ‘If you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far go with others’
#5 – God’s timing is perfect. He is present in ALL situations.
#6 – In life you cannot afford to give up, and your situation is not unique. Everyone passes through trials and tribulations.
#7 – This is who I am. Either you like me as I am or you don’t I simply cannot change me for u.
#8 – Family comes first. I don’t tell them enough that I love them, but they were the first to wish me a happy one and send me presents.
#9 – There has to be a limit to everything. Never let people push you around, if you can’t do it a simple I would have love to but at the moment I am not in a place to do it will suffice.
#10 – Define the goals, let the expectations be well know in advance and leave nothing to chance else the non-beneficial blame game will use up a lot of your valuable energy and an inevitable failure stares at the face.
#11 – Life is about embracing changes.
#12 - To all my dear friends, i love and appreciate you all.
This simple note written in a 'hand' made card from my kid siz made me shed some tears
Dear Sister, We’ve been together for 17 years. You’ve nurtured me and taken care of me since I was small and you still keep a closer gaze on my teenage life. I love you and treasure you very much.And i love you too!
Chase the dream and not the money
I couldn’t have a picked a better line than that from the Notorious BIG movie. I think once he internalised it things took a 3600 turn. He started dropping serious lines, reaching out to a wider audience and the rest is all in the movie.
True gratification comes from doing what you love, can you imagine the misery of working only to pay the bills and not enjoying every bit of it well i don’t mean literary everything well we all know being employed has its pains...what a nightmare it would be to wake up every morning!
A few weeks back I meet a lady who had resigned from her job and when I asked her where she was going I got a strange answer. She wasn’t sure, she had no placement yet. What drove her to resign? Boredom, tired of doing the same things over and over and over bottom line there wasn’t anymore fulfilment.
Chasing the dream leads one to a place of calling and instead of work becoming a money making adventure it becomes a place of mission. Somewhere where we feel we are bringing about positive impact to the society, to someone’s life irregardless of the magnitude. Life doesn’t offer free things, everything comes at a price and only those willing to pay the price, take the risk, dream and chase the dream will able to rip of its fruits. The world has abundance for each and every one of us, it’s only us who limit ourselves.
To summarise it, some words from Robin Sharma;
“Stay on purpose, not on outcome. In other words, do the task because it is what you love to do or because it will help someone or is a valuable exercise. Don't do it for the money or the recognition. Those will come naturally. This is the way of the world”.
True gratification comes from doing what you love, can you imagine the misery of working only to pay the bills and not enjoying every bit of it well i don’t mean literary everything well we all know being employed has its pains...what a nightmare it would be to wake up every morning!
A few weeks back I meet a lady who had resigned from her job and when I asked her where she was going I got a strange answer. She wasn’t sure, she had no placement yet. What drove her to resign? Boredom, tired of doing the same things over and over and over bottom line there wasn’t anymore fulfilment.
Chasing the dream leads one to a place of calling and instead of work becoming a money making adventure it becomes a place of mission. Somewhere where we feel we are bringing about positive impact to the society, to someone’s life irregardless of the magnitude. Life doesn’t offer free things, everything comes at a price and only those willing to pay the price, take the risk, dream and chase the dream will able to rip of its fruits. The world has abundance for each and every one of us, it’s only us who limit ourselves.
To summarise it, some words from Robin Sharma;
“Stay on purpose, not on outcome. In other words, do the task because it is what you love to do or because it will help someone or is a valuable exercise. Don't do it for the money or the recognition. Those will come naturally. This is the way of the world”.
Rekindling the fire
Am pretty much shocked at myself. I look at my blog with mixed feelings. Only one article last month from an average of 4-3 per month.
Where did the passion go to? Honestly, i think i did it to myself i entertained a lot of negative energy and thought on closing this blog to begin with. I somewhat thought that maybe the blog had fulfilled it mission in my life which i know think its a crazy and really misplaced thought. I thought that i was over sharing the nitty gritty details of my life with everyone. I also gave myself the excuse that am terribly busy nowadays. And also that since it almost a year i thought that perhaps i should let it die a natural death.
Perhaps some of it is true perhaps not. As i write this article am now realising that i had terribly missed writing articles for my blog. Its like embracing an old lover whose been away for months. There is some warmth in my heart that i can't explain.
My perhaps, perhaps, perhaps can be explained, am the kind of person who never likes having loose strings hanging. At times is not always possible to give a proper closure to everything but maybe if i gave this a proper one then my feelings would have definitely been different. So here is a toast to rekindling the fire, to thymoments!
Where did the passion go to? Honestly, i think i did it to myself i entertained a lot of negative energy and thought on closing this blog to begin with. I somewhat thought that maybe the blog had fulfilled it mission in my life which i know think its a crazy and really misplaced thought. I thought that i was over sharing the nitty gritty details of my life with everyone. I also gave myself the excuse that am terribly busy nowadays. And also that since it almost a year i thought that perhaps i should let it die a natural death.
Perhaps some of it is true perhaps not. As i write this article am now realising that i had terribly missed writing articles for my blog. Its like embracing an old lover whose been away for months. There is some warmth in my heart that i can't explain.
My perhaps, perhaps, perhaps can be explained, am the kind of person who never likes having loose strings hanging. At times is not always possible to give a proper closure to everything but maybe if i gave this a proper one then my feelings would have definitely been different. So here is a toast to rekindling the fire, to thymoments!
Meaningful flings
I came a cross a very interesting article in my last month’s true love magazine, one that left me thinking the human race can never fail to get justification even for the things that you would normally consider absurd.
The article was talking about meaningful flings, these are relationships or should we say arrangements that are intense and romance less wrenching than a full-blown relationship and less degrading than a one-nighter. A rare hook up that you seriously connect with at a way deep level but pretty seasonal. On the other hand meaningless flings as its well put here are about scratching a persistent itch with little emotional involvement or gratification. Meaningful flings on the other hand are about sharing your dreams, your emotions, your drives and the whack but leaving out the word ‘forever’ in that scenario such that in the morning you can all wake and go your separate ways or decide to end the affair with no hard feelings from either quarters.
How i wonder how many of us can pull those off? Many at time the emotions get the better of us and before long we realise we are nursing an unanticipated heart ache.
There are numerous written and un-written explanations why one-nighters happen and now there is meaningful flings!! In this corrupt world i choose to call it that because there seem to be explanations even to the simple things that just sound morally wrong at least according to me, a guiding mantra for life comes in pretty handy.
Some mission statement that at the end of the day you can go and appraise yourself, something to clearly remind you what you really stand for, what is really important to you and what is not. A constitution, the solid expression of your vision and values, the criteria by which you measure everything else in your life. Because without that we can be sure that we will fall for so many ‘wha-evers’ in this world.
The article was talking about meaningful flings, these are relationships or should we say arrangements that are intense and romance less wrenching than a full-blown relationship and less degrading than a one-nighter. A rare hook up that you seriously connect with at a way deep level but pretty seasonal. On the other hand meaningless flings as its well put here are about scratching a persistent itch with little emotional involvement or gratification. Meaningful flings on the other hand are about sharing your dreams, your emotions, your drives and the whack but leaving out the word ‘forever’ in that scenario such that in the morning you can all wake and go your separate ways or decide to end the affair with no hard feelings from either quarters.
How i wonder how many of us can pull those off? Many at time the emotions get the better of us and before long we realise we are nursing an unanticipated heart ache.
There are numerous written and un-written explanations why one-nighters happen and now there is meaningful flings!! In this corrupt world i choose to call it that because there seem to be explanations even to the simple things that just sound morally wrong at least according to me, a guiding mantra for life comes in pretty handy.
Some mission statement that at the end of the day you can go and appraise yourself, something to clearly remind you what you really stand for, what is really important to you and what is not. A constitution, the solid expression of your vision and values, the criteria by which you measure everything else in your life. Because without that we can be sure that we will fall for so many ‘wha-evers’ in this world.
Steps to Un-Stuff Your Schedule and Increase Your Margin
Do you ever get to the end of your day and think, "Did I accomplish anything?"
Where does all the time go?
If you don't master your schedule, it will master you!
Here are three suggestions from the Bible for reducing the stress of your schedule and increasing the margin:
1. Line up your priorities. Obviously, you don't have time to do everything, so you must make choices. You must decide what's really important and what isn't. Take some time to consider the direction of your life. The Bible says, "An intelligent person aims at wise action, but a fool starts off in many directions" (Proverbs 17:24 GNT); "It is stupid to waste time on useless projects" (Proverbs 12:11, GNT); "We should make plans—counting on God to direct us" (Proverbs 16:9 LB).
2. Lighten up your attitude. Do you really have to do everything on your to-do list? No one is holding a gun to your head; a lot of your stress is self-imposed. The Bible says, "Worry weighs us down..." (Proverbs 12:25 MSG); "A relaxed attitude lengthens a man's life" (Proverbs 14:30 LB); "Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time" (Proverbs 17:22 GNT).
3. Look up to God. Stress is always a warning light that you've taken your focus off God and are looking at your problems from your limited viewpoint.
Where does all the time go?
If you don't master your schedule, it will master you!
Here are three suggestions from the Bible for reducing the stress of your schedule and increasing the margin:
1. Line up your priorities. Obviously, you don't have time to do everything, so you must make choices. You must decide what's really important and what isn't. Take some time to consider the direction of your life. The Bible says, "An intelligent person aims at wise action, but a fool starts off in many directions" (Proverbs 17:24 GNT); "It is stupid to waste time on useless projects" (Proverbs 12:11, GNT); "We should make plans—counting on God to direct us" (Proverbs 16:9 LB).
2. Lighten up your attitude. Do you really have to do everything on your to-do list? No one is holding a gun to your head; a lot of your stress is self-imposed. The Bible says, "Worry weighs us down..." (Proverbs 12:25 MSG); "A relaxed attitude lengthens a man's life" (Proverbs 14:30 LB); "Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time" (Proverbs 17:22 GNT).
3. Look up to God. Stress is always a warning light that you've taken your focus off God and are looking at your problems from your limited viewpoint.
stealing the show
Can you imagine tripping over the public address system wires in the middle of the ceremony when the MC is making important announcements. Yea that was me on Saturday at a family friends wedding and boy wasnt i embarrassed.
Everything seemed to be going on well, the wedding was beautiful and it was almost time for the newly weds to start receiving gifts from family and friends. My sister and I hurriedly went and gave the couple our gift - obviously at the wrong time coz we wanted to greet her and leave before people started queuing for that and i was now taking her to say hi to some other people before we leave. I saw the wires and thought i had crossed over them just fine only to realise that that wasn't the case, first the MC's mic went dead then the 'mixer' not sure what its called the gadget that controls volume and other things came tumbling down from the table and then stares and other shocked sounds followed. I stood there fixed and confused for a moment, not knowing if i should continue walking or try and help fix the damage but one look at the DJ told me to stay where i was, he came round picked it and after a few minutes the mic was back on and we quickly dashed out of the venue without looking behind.
It seemed i have graduated from being the girl who catches the bridal bouquet to something else. I hope the small drama's that i cause at people's wedding don't haunt me on my own big day else it will be a wedding full of circus.
Everything seemed to be going on well, the wedding was beautiful and it was almost time for the newly weds to start receiving gifts from family and friends. My sister and I hurriedly went and gave the couple our gift - obviously at the wrong time coz we wanted to greet her and leave before people started queuing for that and i was now taking her to say hi to some other people before we leave. I saw the wires and thought i had crossed over them just fine only to realise that that wasn't the case, first the MC's mic went dead then the 'mixer' not sure what its called the gadget that controls volume and other things came tumbling down from the table and then stares and other shocked sounds followed. I stood there fixed and confused for a moment, not knowing if i should continue walking or try and help fix the damage but one look at the DJ told me to stay where i was, he came round picked it and after a few minutes the mic was back on and we quickly dashed out of the venue without looking behind.
It seemed i have graduated from being the girl who catches the bridal bouquet to something else. I hope the small drama's that i cause at people's wedding don't haunt me on my own big day else it will be a wedding full of circus.
Many thanks!
Thank you dear blog for giving me a platform of expressing it, thank you friend for telling me that i have to up my game and stop reading 4 books in a year if at all am gonna up my writing skills (those last year words still echo in my mind!), thank you dear big sister for leading the way (i look up to you u know), thank you friends for alerting me and thank you God for keeping me going.
My article on matters affecting the family was published in the daily nation newspaper sometime in March (have your say column), well its not a GRAND article but its a great honor and a somewhat nice feeling as well to see your name in the press!!
Indeed nothing is impossible you only need to dream it to achieve and put some effort in it. Is this an indication of greater things to come? For sure i cannot tell but i hope so.....
My article on matters affecting the family was published in the daily nation newspaper sometime in March (have your say column), well its not a GRAND article but its a great honor and a somewhat nice feeling as well to see your name in the press!!
Indeed nothing is impossible you only need to dream it to achieve and put some effort in it. Is this an indication of greater things to come? For sure i cannot tell but i hope so.....
I cried my last tears yesterday
Its a high time i put to practice what i wrote about in my last post! I have stopped struggling, pushing it, forcing it.... It aint easy but its something i need to do. Not overnight but gradually as the seeds had already been planted and uprooting them will take a while. it's only with the knowledge and experience of the healing power of time that i can be able to say that yes i will be fine.
The circles are too many, its like being at the stop sign and making turns that take me back to where i started from over and over and over or a boxing match with endless rounds.
I miss the glow and my genuine smile. No amount of facial masking and beauty 'therapyness' can bring back the glow as i have discovered that it comes from within. My eyes are puffy and always watery of late. The power of emotions, we call them hearty matters!
I cant be in both ends of the rope at the same time and seeing as i have pulled and stretched my end of the rope to its limit all i can do now is stop pulling.
I lived it and i loved it. The sun will rise and set and it musn't find me in the same state i was yesterday.
Things always have a way of working out
After much contemplation i decided to choose spaghetti over rice, the reason was still unknown to me upto the point when i saw the flames of the fire dwindling and within a minute the fire had gone out, the gas was over, my spaghetti 30% cooked and no alternatives. Luckily the spinach on the other plate of the gas had kinda steamed and they say that vegetables are best eaten raw - well it was time to put all that healthy eating theory into action.There are some university lesson that become vital survival skill in the present and future days and i had to apply one of those. Without thinking much the spaghetti was poured into the kettle and the rest is history. Thank you God for making me choose spaghetti over rice cause with rice then it would have a been a whole different story.
Some time last year, i couldn't understand why after being the best candidate for the job one where i thought at that moment that i had wahi kuwahi crisis and other things started happening and they had to restructure and i couldn't start working with them as yet. Couple of months down the line i hear that the projects is coming to an unusual closure plus plus.
How i survived my college exams and managed to graduated with my year mates can only be attributed to favour from above. After being at home for almost two years, year one was like being in a fast moving train those math papers looked like Greek writings and the result at the end of the year weren't soo appealing. Year two and three were like discovery and multitasking phases and upon receiving my results i knew that there some subjects that just don't give room for the kind of lifestyle that i was living. The last year was the do or die year, i had to put my act together else there wasn't going to be a graduation party for me at least maybe not with the class of 03. I recall that when i was doing my final papers on my way to the exam room i was crying out to God to give me favour and refresh my memory as need be. I had read for long hours in my past papers to end up with resits and i wasn't ready to see that happen in my last exams. Anyways that was that and when i was called and told that i had passed my exams i couldn't believe it. He had seen me through and He will see you through just don't give up and don't get tired of doing what is right.
Nothing really happens without a reason but in the end things just have a way of working out....story continues
Some time last year, i couldn't understand why after being the best candidate for the job one where i thought at that moment that i had wahi kuwahi crisis and other things started happening and they had to restructure and i couldn't start working with them as yet. Couple of months down the line i hear that the projects is coming to an unusual closure plus plus.
How i survived my college exams and managed to graduated with my year mates can only be attributed to favour from above. After being at home for almost two years, year one was like being in a fast moving train those math papers looked like Greek writings and the result at the end of the year weren't soo appealing. Year two and three were like discovery and multitasking phases and upon receiving my results i knew that there some subjects that just don't give room for the kind of lifestyle that i was living. The last year was the do or die year, i had to put my act together else there wasn't going to be a graduation party for me at least maybe not with the class of 03. I recall that when i was doing my final papers on my way to the exam room i was crying out to God to give me favour and refresh my memory as need be. I had read for long hours in my past papers to end up with resits and i wasn't ready to see that happen in my last exams. Anyways that was that and when i was called and told that i had passed my exams i couldn't believe it. He had seen me through and He will see you through just don't give up and don't get tired of doing what is right.
Nothing really happens without a reason but in the end things just have a way of working out....story continues
Thanks But No Thanks
I have lots of respect for old people not only do their words carry plenty of wisdom their experiences is life makes them good mentors and I have a couple of them. On the flip side, one of the reasons why they just turn me off is making passes at young girls these breed of people are usually extremely persistent and to them there is nothing like reading in between the lines for hints! Just because you have achieved everything in life, have your dream job as a big boss somewhere, drive a really posh car, have numerous investments and assets n all that doesn’t mean that you must make me part of your ‘achievement’.
So you say you want us to go on a date…. A dancing date? Yet you know very well that you just don’t have the moves for today’s hits!! A dinner date? You have already said it many times that am beautiful, in addition we can hardly sustain an entertaining conversation for more than 5 minutes, there is lust painted all over the picture…… now a whole evening do you want me to die with boredom!
What these men don’t recognize is that there is a new breed of young women nowadays, an evolved species who understand that their digestive system doesn’t different meals from a five star or a fast food, its all either proteins, vitamins and the likes. An evolved species who knows that they have tough legs to ‘drive’ them to all the places they need to go. Girls who know that old married men are only after them just because of their selfish personal motives and refuse to be used as objects of entertainment. Girls who would rather break a back (literally) to make ends meet than go for short cuts with dire consequences and more so girls who love and respect themselves.
So you say you want us to go on a date…. A dancing date? Yet you know very well that you just don’t have the moves for today’s hits!! A dinner date? You have already said it many times that am beautiful, in addition we can hardly sustain an entertaining conversation for more than 5 minutes, there is lust painted all over the picture…… now a whole evening do you want me to die with boredom!
What these men don’t recognize is that there is a new breed of young women nowadays, an evolved species who understand that their digestive system doesn’t different meals from a five star or a fast food, its all either proteins, vitamins and the likes. An evolved species who knows that they have tough legs to ‘drive’ them to all the places they need to go. Girls who know that old married men are only after them just because of their selfish personal motives and refuse to be used as objects of entertainment. Girls who would rather break a back (literally) to make ends meet than go for short cuts with dire consequences and more so girls who love and respect themselves.
Il est nécessaire que vous vous rappeliez ce qui est important dans la vie
'....No one else can dance your dance, no one else can sing your song, no one else can write your story. Who you are, what you do, begins right now!' Lisa Nicholas
From the pit
Today is an extraordinary tough day. Besides the fact that my day started off quite early and i woke up on the right side of the bed things just aren’t turning out as expected.
I first run to town to chase after some business order which up and until now doesn’t look so promising not to mention the fact that I have already incurred operation costs. I make it work at noon and find high priority emails that need to be addressed. Am not in the right frame of mind so I have postponed replying to majority of them until tomorrow. I try to get some work done but things that would normally take 30 mins to complete now take 1 hour.
I get some good news , am to collect my dividend cheque courtesy of sacco savings not bad i think to myself so the sacco has such rewards! but upon receiving my cheque I realise that I have been fined 1/3 of the money for not attending important saccoo member meetings.
Normally I would swim it off but no not today, I have to rush home because I have some repairs that need to be done this evening. Just cant wait to hit my pillows but until then let me see if i can make someone happy.
I first run to town to chase after some business order which up and until now doesn’t look so promising not to mention the fact that I have already incurred operation costs. I make it work at noon and find high priority emails that need to be addressed. Am not in the right frame of mind so I have postponed replying to majority of them until tomorrow. I try to get some work done but things that would normally take 30 mins to complete now take 1 hour.
I get some good news , am to collect my dividend cheque courtesy of sacco savings not bad i think to myself so the sacco has such rewards! but upon receiving my cheque I realise that I have been fined 1/3 of the money for not attending important saccoo member meetings.
Normally I would swim it off but no not today, I have to rush home because I have some repairs that need to be done this evening. Just cant wait to hit my pillows but until then let me see if i can make someone happy.
From mean to upper limits
A couple of years back when I was a small girl, I couldn’t wait for the months and years to pass by for the day when June 16th would reach and I turn 13 (THIRTEEN)! Be teenage, I couldn’t wait for the years to fly by again and again for me to turn 16 yes sweet sixteen we used to call it and later on to finally turn 18, be an adult, get an ID rule the world……or so I thought. Now am not so sure what I feel about my imminent birthday in another 3 or so months. Maybe am scared of entering the phase that will mark the commencement of my late twenties years or perhaps that's the way it always is when one make’s that change from one age bracket to another like turning 21 or 31 (though i cant ever recall having such a feeling). Am not certain which direction the captain is going to steer the ship once it hits 26!!
Back when I was in primary I couldn’t wait for the day when I would go to high school and after that for the time I would join campus and thereafter for when I could start working and be independent. Now that am there I realise that the demands are greater than what I had ever imagine I was only after the golden eggs but now I need to also take care of the goose. I not only want to make it big and rich, I want a job that satisfies one where at the end of the day makes me feel good and one where I cant wait to be at the next day. This leaves with me with even bigger decisions like which direction to further my education and career, appreciating that we are all unique and successful in our own different ways. Its just not what everyone else is doing Is what makes true significance and adds value to an individuals life.
A couple of years back I couldn’t wait for the day when I would get my own place, regardless of the size and what was inside…all I cared about was being able to open my own place and have no one ask me where am from or why does it look so messed up and so on and so forth. Now I ask myself for how long will I keep paying rent, when will I get a place that I can call mine a real home and what do I need to do to get there. The 'old' and 'motherly' duties that I had neglected back at home I now have to embrace with a smile. The free spirit for disappearing from the house for many weekends has been tamed for now I have to be responsible for me.
I have become more aware of time I can feel it passing by day by day, good thing the swimming and the other small time exercises I do make me feel youthful, brisk, full of life, bouncy and all that. Procrastination is killing me now more than it had before. I need to fight the good battle, awaken the giant inside and work for a bright and better tomorrow.
Just as we grow older with the rising sun each and every morning self motivation and personal inspiration is a virtue that has to take a similar course. The changes in life are dynamic one day you feel like everything is going south and the next day you feel like things are advancing northwards. Everyone has a special way of dealing with life’s dynamism's, at times I refer to my mission statement, at times the inspiration books I read help me to forge on and at times I pour it out on my blog.
I pray and hope you have something that helps you to stay afloat, to redefine you north every so often because without that you'd be lost in this jungle.
Charismatic leader
To all the big and mighty blog fans out there i hope you find these 10 qualities of a charismatic leader by Robin Sharma insightful (no.8 has really done it for Obama if the below video is anything to go by)
• Be committed to what you are doing
• Look like a winner and act like one
• Have big dreams, a vision and reach for the sky
• Steadily advance in the direction of your goals
• Prepare and work hard at every task you do
• Build a mystique around yourself
• Be interested in others and show kindness
• Have a strong sense of humour
• Be known for the strength of your character
• Have grace under pressure. (John F. Kennedy said that "the elusive half-step between middle management and true leadership is grace under pressure.")
I hardly do politics in my blog but i think my children might one day enjoy this president Barack history in the making moment!!
• Be committed to what you are doing
• Look like a winner and act like one
• Have big dreams, a vision and reach for the sky
• Steadily advance in the direction of your goals
• Prepare and work hard at every task you do
• Build a mystique around yourself
• Be interested in others and show kindness
• Have a strong sense of humour
• Be known for the strength of your character
• Have grace under pressure. (John F. Kennedy said that "the elusive half-step between middle management and true leadership is grace under pressure.")
I hardly do politics in my blog but i think my children might one day enjoy this president Barack history in the making moment!!
Dear Cupid
February and all its valentines performances and drama is here again! Aint sure the implications of that since not a single day passes without me receiving a getaway advertisement package for valentines in my mailbox, single and couple dinner invitations are cropping up in my calendar of events, hot parties going down in all the major raving spots and not to mention social work invitations that endeavor to bring a smile on someone’s face the list is endless.
Anyways am done wishing that I could curve out my own ideal man – the work of creation is for the Lord and not mine - so just for the records cupid when you decide to shine that star brightly on me and unveil my Adam at the apt time, beside the handsome, gorgeous, charming, ambitious, compatible, romantic........... etc etc etc man.
I want a man who will appreciate my love and love me back in a faithful way (an extremely monogamous man) the man whose missing rib and the one that am carrying will fit like a jig-saw puzzle - wishful thinking, i know!! someone who we will share a vision, over and above a God fearing man.
A little fyi please make sure we can enjoy each others co and partying, since boredom can just kill!
With luv
Anyways am done wishing that I could curve out my own ideal man – the work of creation is for the Lord and not mine - so just for the records cupid when you decide to shine that star brightly on me and unveil my Adam at the apt time, beside the handsome, gorgeous, charming, ambitious, compatible, romantic........... etc etc etc man.
I want a man who will appreciate my love and love me back in a faithful way (an extremely monogamous man) the man whose missing rib and the one that am carrying will fit like a jig-saw puzzle - wishful thinking, i know!! someone who we will share a vision, over and above a God fearing man.
A little fyi please make sure we can enjoy each others co and partying, since boredom can just kill!
With luv
The stranger, the envelop and I
It’s a nice Sunday afternoon am walking in town with my handbag on one arm, food bag on the other arm clutching to my mum’s calendar as I try to hurriedly make it to the stage to pick a bus and go meet my family at my sister school for her visiting.
And an unexpected event just happens, the man walking ahead of me drops an envelop and the man walking besides me swiftly picks it, he apparently makes an effort to call the man but as he’s bit far and too preoccupied by his fast bounce he clearly doesn’t take note of what just happened and he walks on.
My walking mate lets call him Mr.Q turns the envelop the other side and walla money peeps through the clear address portion of the envelop, there is a small note attached to it and he opens it while I the avid spectator looks on in total dismay. The note is clear, it allocates money from different towns in the country and I figure it must some collection from a bus or matatu fleet perhaps being taken to the owner.
The two strangers - Mr.Q and I - who have ‘struck gold’ in this lovely day keep on walking and Mr.Q says its 40,000!! he does some quick math and he says the he will keep 25,000 since he is the one who picked the money and he will give me 15,000 since I was a witness in the whole saga……my hearts skips a bit and there is sheepish smile that I hastily hide am wondering haa is this my lucky day or what 15,000 I didn’t even think there was going to be any splitting here!
The 'gold strikers' keep on walking not looking behind least we look suspicious, we make some small talk I say am going to kencom and l learn that he is going to commercial, Mr.Q asks how and where we are going to do the split and am like that’s easy lets just enter the nearest coffee house do our thing and head our separate way, Mr.Q starts acting jittering he’s like no lets go somewhere that isn’t so crowded since that’s a lot of money and we don’t want to raise suspicion, that reasoning doesn’t make a lot of sense but I agree. There some public toilets right ahead of us and Mr.Q is like I will give you the envelop you go to the ladies and take your cut and you bring back my cut, then I think for a minute and tell him no you to go to the gents and he responds by saying that the gents are not so private then I recall the urinal kind of things and I tell that’s fine bring the envelop.
Mr.Q in his uneasiness starts asking questions, first he asks how much I have and am like am not sure maybe 1000 why? He says just to be sure I don’t mix the money then he starts giving conditions things like please don’t call any one and betray me or run away with the money and I begin to get really impatient since am running late and this deal should be as good as over!
Thoughts start criss crossing my head and I ask myself how comfortable would I be spending someone else's hard earned money? Haven’t I done my monthly budget which if am disciplined enough it will last me till end month? Does manna from heaven fall just like that in this day and age? I have just come from reading about the oil tanker explosion and those who met their tragic and painful death in what seemed like an opportunity not to be missed, a struck it rich moment gone terribly bad!
Mr.Q asks me to switch off my phone so that he can be sure that I will not call anyone once I go with the envelop to the ladies, am now getting annoyed, impatient and this is beginning to look crappy n shoddy at that point I tell him you don't have to share with me anything....keep the money am fine and I walk away and he goes his way. What would you have done?
So I talk to my friend and he thinks Mr.Q was indeed a conman and I share the story with my family and they are like thank your guardian angels because you would have come here tearing after being swindled your little money and other belongings. Looking back I never suspected him to be a conman - how i forgot my mother's advice of not talking to strangers!!
I left because I thought I wouldn’t be very comfortable spending another man’s sweat and I believe the days of manna falling are long gone and we are only rewarded by the hard work of our hands.
Greed is vice which makes many fall into similar traps and it should curbed by all means. In time of crisis and trivial situations it’s what we believe in and our principles that will help us. For me its another big up to my guardian angels!!
‘Better is little with the fear of the Lord, Than great treasures with trouble’
And an unexpected event just happens, the man walking ahead of me drops an envelop and the man walking besides me swiftly picks it, he apparently makes an effort to call the man but as he’s bit far and too preoccupied by his fast bounce he clearly doesn’t take note of what just happened and he walks on.
My walking mate lets call him Mr.Q turns the envelop the other side and walla money peeps through the clear address portion of the envelop, there is a small note attached to it and he opens it while I the avid spectator looks on in total dismay. The note is clear, it allocates money from different towns in the country and I figure it must some collection from a bus or matatu fleet perhaps being taken to the owner.
The two strangers - Mr.Q and I - who have ‘struck gold’ in this lovely day keep on walking and Mr.Q says its 40,000!! he does some quick math and he says the he will keep 25,000 since he is the one who picked the money and he will give me 15,000 since I was a witness in the whole saga……my hearts skips a bit and there is sheepish smile that I hastily hide am wondering haa is this my lucky day or what 15,000 I didn’t even think there was going to be any splitting here!
The 'gold strikers' keep on walking not looking behind least we look suspicious, we make some small talk I say am going to kencom and l learn that he is going to commercial, Mr.Q asks how and where we are going to do the split and am like that’s easy lets just enter the nearest coffee house do our thing and head our separate way, Mr.Q starts acting jittering he’s like no lets go somewhere that isn’t so crowded since that’s a lot of money and we don’t want to raise suspicion, that reasoning doesn’t make a lot of sense but I agree. There some public toilets right ahead of us and Mr.Q is like I will give you the envelop you go to the ladies and take your cut and you bring back my cut, then I think for a minute and tell him no you to go to the gents and he responds by saying that the gents are not so private then I recall the urinal kind of things and I tell that’s fine bring the envelop.
Mr.Q in his uneasiness starts asking questions, first he asks how much I have and am like am not sure maybe 1000 why? He says just to be sure I don’t mix the money then he starts giving conditions things like please don’t call any one and betray me or run away with the money and I begin to get really impatient since am running late and this deal should be as good as over!
Thoughts start criss crossing my head and I ask myself how comfortable would I be spending someone else's hard earned money? Haven’t I done my monthly budget which if am disciplined enough it will last me till end month? Does manna from heaven fall just like that in this day and age? I have just come from reading about the oil tanker explosion and those who met their tragic and painful death in what seemed like an opportunity not to be missed, a struck it rich moment gone terribly bad!
Mr.Q asks me to switch off my phone so that he can be sure that I will not call anyone once I go with the envelop to the ladies, am now getting annoyed, impatient and this is beginning to look crappy n shoddy at that point I tell him you don't have to share with me anything....keep the money am fine and I walk away and he goes his way. What would you have done?
So I talk to my friend and he thinks Mr.Q was indeed a conman and I share the story with my family and they are like thank your guardian angels because you would have come here tearing after being swindled your little money and other belongings. Looking back I never suspected him to be a conman - how i forgot my mother's advice of not talking to strangers!!
I left because I thought I wouldn’t be very comfortable spending another man’s sweat and I believe the days of manna falling are long gone and we are only rewarded by the hard work of our hands.
Greed is vice which makes many fall into similar traps and it should curbed by all means. In time of crisis and trivial situations it’s what we believe in and our principles that will help us. For me its another big up to my guardian angels!!
‘Better is little with the fear of the Lord, Than great treasures with trouble’
Thy Daily Prayer
Dear God, I am weak and on my own I cannot make it. I thank you for another morning, another day, another beginning, am honored and blessed to be here today a reminder that I still have work to do.
A lot is happening around me, I am reminded day by day that life is precious and extraordinarily fragile, the evils of our society haunt me but I cling on to the fact that your mercies are new everyday and my guardian angels work round the clock. It’s a new and blessed day a chance to make the world a better place.
Father renew my strength and give me the energy to do what I have planned for today and more so the wisdom to do it well and diligently.
I am grateful for my friends and family fill my heart with love that I may appreciate them with renewed zeal and zest, help me mend broken relationships, make me an instrument of peace and forgive me my inequity's. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not mine all I have is the present.
A lot is happening around me, I am reminded day by day that life is precious and extraordinarily fragile, the evils of our society haunt me but I cling on to the fact that your mercies are new everyday and my guardian angels work round the clock. It’s a new and blessed day a chance to make the world a better place.
Father renew my strength and give me the energy to do what I have planned for today and more so the wisdom to do it well and diligently.
I am grateful for my friends and family fill my heart with love that I may appreciate them with renewed zeal and zest, help me mend broken relationships, make me an instrument of peace and forgive me my inequity's. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not mine all I have is the present.
Fear of the unknown
The river is taking a different twist, the course looks promising but its not what i had imagined. I wonder if i should curve out my own path which am not so sure about or should i flow on and let things take their course.
I feel like a small child who should be on milk being fed on solid food or one who should be crawling being made to run. Maybe its time to leave the comfort zone, take the risk and live life like there is no tomorrow because that's what the still voice inside me is saying.
"The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." prov 10:22
I feel like a small child who should be on milk being fed on solid food or one who should be crawling being made to run. Maybe its time to leave the comfort zone, take the risk and live life like there is no tomorrow because that's what the still voice inside me is saying.
"The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." prov 10:22
If you dont like the shoe,
Please step aside,
So many shoppers in the mall,
Don't crowd the shop.
See the shopper and the shoe is a sweet romance,
Allow the thrill,
And go home with a perfect fit.
You hate the straps,
The heel's to high,
Step aside,
A shopper is dying to own this pair.
If you want flats,
This is not a flat,
And its no boot,
You wont change the shoe,
Just find what you need.
So step aside,
Someone loves the straps,
Is loving the high heel,
Its the perfect shoe,
A perfect fit.
Don't insult the shoe,
It was just never meant for you.
By Eva Kihara
Please step aside,
So many shoppers in the mall,
Don't crowd the shop.
See the shopper and the shoe is a sweet romance,
Allow the thrill,
And go home with a perfect fit.
You hate the straps,
The heel's to high,
Step aside,
A shopper is dying to own this pair.
If you want flats,
This is not a flat,
And its no boot,
You wont change the shoe,
Just find what you need.
So step aside,
Someone loves the straps,
Is loving the high heel,
Its the perfect shoe,
A perfect fit.
Don't insult the shoe,
It was just never meant for you.
By Eva Kihara
My Hero
With an athlete body my 102 years old grandfather is one of my heroes the real example of a good life lived and still being lived. I have recently come from visiting him in the village and boy hasn’t he inspired me. Indeed he is the perfect example of the phrase; if you don’t use it you lose it and that’s what has kept him going through the years. He engages his mind every single day of his life and that has made him sharp up to today.
Every morning by 7am or thereabout (always used to wake up after him) he rises and goes to work like he would in his youthful days. His business is his life, he runs a small kiosk by his house where he sells small household stuff, with pen and paper he calculates the cost and returns the correct change to his customer’s. When stock is over he calls someone and orders the goods that he needs. With the little money that he earns he is able to buy foodstuff and other household goods for his wife and dependants yer yer he has two crazy sons who have never grown up.
No one understands better than him that you are what you eat. Breakfast and just the right amount of lunch does it for him for he clearly understands the principle of eating breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and supper like a Servant to keep your body in good shape and with only one leg my grandfather is indeed pretty fit. He never whine’s for its foolish to whine over things you cannot change one of his eyes is partially if not totally gone but he has learnt to make maximum use of what he has……. the complete opposite of my grandmother who has both her legs and one ailing eye but cries over it day and night and refuses to do anything citing she cant see and sadly she is growing senile at a fast she simply aint using it!
He cherishes his afternoon nap and rest but above all silence is golden and invaluable to him and when he see’s that those around him are interfering with his peaceful thoughts he chases them away or locks himself up……healing power of meditation.
Never does he forget to give thanks in the mornings and also before he goes to bed but also before each and every meal he takes for he understands the power of prayers.
Sadly he says that he feels like his blood is drying out and he is waiting for the day when the angels will come and take him, well he has already done his thanks giving mass and slaughtered a cow to share with all his descendants (funnily more than once). What I learn from him is that you are as productive and successful as you choose to be so go forth and chase your dreams you only have yourself to blame if you don’t make it.
(am glad to be carrying some of those genes :))
Every morning by 7am or thereabout (always used to wake up after him) he rises and goes to work like he would in his youthful days. His business is his life, he runs a small kiosk by his house where he sells small household stuff, with pen and paper he calculates the cost and returns the correct change to his customer’s. When stock is over he calls someone and orders the goods that he needs. With the little money that he earns he is able to buy foodstuff and other household goods for his wife and dependants yer yer he has two crazy sons who have never grown up.
No one understands better than him that you are what you eat. Breakfast and just the right amount of lunch does it for him for he clearly understands the principle of eating breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and supper like a Servant to keep your body in good shape and with only one leg my grandfather is indeed pretty fit. He never whine’s for its foolish to whine over things you cannot change one of his eyes is partially if not totally gone but he has learnt to make maximum use of what he has……. the complete opposite of my grandmother who has both her legs and one ailing eye but cries over it day and night and refuses to do anything citing she cant see and sadly she is growing senile at a fast she simply aint using it!
He cherishes his afternoon nap and rest but above all silence is golden and invaluable to him and when he see’s that those around him are interfering with his peaceful thoughts he chases them away or locks himself up……healing power of meditation.
Never does he forget to give thanks in the mornings and also before he goes to bed but also before each and every meal he takes for he understands the power of prayers.
Sadly he says that he feels like his blood is drying out and he is waiting for the day when the angels will come and take him, well he has already done his thanks giving mass and slaughtered a cow to share with all his descendants (funnily more than once). What I learn from him is that you are as productive and successful as you choose to be so go forth and chase your dreams you only have yourself to blame if you don’t make it.
(am glad to be carrying some of those genes :))
The Year of Fulfillment
Somehow I just feel like this is my year with plenty of good tidings in the store its just aka feeling, an intuition I cant explain and Sunday’s preaching kinda put some flesh on the skeletenous feeling!!!
My Pastor went about explaining the meaning of numbers like so; 1. No. of God,no. of new beginnings 2. No of unity 3. The trinity 4. No. of stability - four seasons, four directions 5. No. of God’s Grace 6. No. of Man, man was created on the sixth day, harmony, balance 7. No. of perfection 8. No. of new beginnings, Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day, cycles and 9. No. of fulfillment,intellectual power, inventiveness, influence over situations and things...due season like pregnancy!! Guess my trees might just start bearing some fruits.
My Pastor went about explaining the meaning of numbers like so; 1. No. of God,no. of new beginnings 2. No of unity 3. The trinity 4. No. of stability - four seasons, four directions 5. No. of God’s Grace 6. No. of Man, man was created on the sixth day, harmony, balance 7. No. of perfection 8. No. of new beginnings, Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day, cycles and 9. No. of fulfillment,intellectual power, inventiveness, influence over situations and things...due season like pregnancy!! Guess my trees might just start bearing some fruits.
Christmas in Taveta
After a few sucking Christmas’s the 2008 Christmas was indeed an outstanding one. My mum, sister and I travelled to the country side away from all the traffic, the hassle, the limited amenities and the otherwise over complicated lifestyle of the city and had a memorable and easy time with the extended family.
It had been a good six years since I was last there and I loved every minute of it. Children had grown up and many others had been born I had to do fresh introductions as some of them I couldn’t remember and vice versa. Young gals had become mothers and the young men I left had become fathers......and we thought life was fast in the city!!
Amazingly my 105 grandfather is still the provider of his homestead it was awesome to see him run his small business and balance his math at the end of the day……gosh I pray I to have such a sharp hubby :).
Simple things like sharing wonderful meals cooked from the firewood, making tea with milk straight from the cow’s teats, going to the local open air disco with a 30bob entrance fee, eating mangoes straight from the trees, peeing in the bush n others reminded me of what really matters.
While before we could have a small family lunch with my mother and siblings which ended up in total chaos!! This time we shared it with the larger community and learnt that it’s all about accepting each other as we are, respecting each other’s choices and decisions, sharing the little that is available and extending love.
By far its been one of the best I have had as a young woman, well I know I had other nicer ones when I was a small kid though the memories are fading away but in my 20’s this did it for me. Looking forward to more marvelous ones.
"It's not what you take when you live this world behind you, it's what you leave behind when you go....."
It had been a good six years since I was last there and I loved every minute of it. Children had grown up and many others had been born I had to do fresh introductions as some of them I couldn’t remember and vice versa. Young gals had become mothers and the young men I left had become fathers......and we thought life was fast in the city!!
Amazingly my 105 grandfather is still the provider of his homestead it was awesome to see him run his small business and balance his math at the end of the day……gosh I pray I to have such a sharp hubby :).
Simple things like sharing wonderful meals cooked from the firewood, making tea with milk straight from the cow’s teats, going to the local open air disco with a 30bob entrance fee, eating mangoes straight from the trees, peeing in the bush n others reminded me of what really matters.
While before we could have a small family lunch with my mother and siblings which ended up in total chaos!! This time we shared it with the larger community and learnt that it’s all about accepting each other as we are, respecting each other’s choices and decisions, sharing the little that is available and extending love.
By far its been one of the best I have had as a young woman, well I know I had other nicer ones when I was a small kid though the memories are fading away but in my 20’s this did it for me. Looking forward to more marvelous ones.
"It's not what you take when you live this world behind you, it's what you leave behind when you go....."
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