I sit silently with my laptop before me, in the wee hours of the morning. Besides the bed lies a gift – beautifully wrapped in silver paper. Tomorrow is Father’s Day and as a token of my love and appreciation to the special man in my life. I will honor him with it. I carefully picked the gift, an antique clock from a store in town three weeks ago. (here the editor played around with my words)
As i type this piece, my mind wanders. I reflect on the different men in my life who truly deserve a standing ovation. This is not because of the gigantic things that they do, but the little acts of kindness done in love, for that is what really matters.
As a bachelorette who lives on her own, first I salute my taxi driver. He is like my guardian angel particularly on those long nights! He is the one that I trust more than anyone else to make sure that am home safely, many are the nights when his seat becomes a temporary sleeping zone as he drives me home and waits until am safely inside the compound to start off his engine and head his way. He is that special driver who cannot over bill me or take excess change in case my brain’s calculator switches off! He is also the one who doesn’t mind going to the nearest shop to send me airtime when I feel that I just can’t move an inch.
Secondly, the caretaker at home. The man who assists with all the heavy duty tasks around the house. He is the one who I quickly call when I buy something and need help in moving things around. He is the one who sorts my small house repairs and advices on how to nail it and screw it! He is the first person on my doorstep when he hears a scream only to find out that it’s a lizard terrorising me. And he is the one who handle all the excess and left over meals in my house as the guilt of throwing food away consumes me to the spine.
Then there is the watchman. Him I feel that I use him in a selfish way. He is the one to chase away all the unwanted intruders and the un-invited guests. However, he is the first person I see each and every morning as I leave the house and the last person I see when I enter the house save for the TV characters! His smile and salute gears me for the day ahead.
There is also the bus driver. The second man who I interact with in the formative hours of the morning. You’re cautious driving, discipline and the passion at which you do your work amazes me. You strive all you can to make sure that we arrive safely and in good time to work. The same is replicated in the evening.
To all the husbands out there, as Christ loved the church please do the same to your wives, lets not hear any more abuse in the name of taking care of the children, washing dishes, helping with house chores etc! Women are meant to be helpers and not slaves, so kindly quit the whinning and let everyone do their part to bringing up a happy home. We appreciate that you are the heads but appreciate even more when you lead with wisdom.
To all the fathers and men out there we appreciate the love, the support, the sacrifice and the many other things that you do for us. You are a pillar to our lives, a source of strength and we respect, love and appreciate you immensely.
Just like the eyes cannot survive on their own without the head and similarly the rest of the body parts. We are an eco-system and we need each other so much than we imagine. Men are truly a blessing to our lives and we honour this father’s day.
To all the sons and daughters join me in extending A Happy Father’s Day celebration to all the men out there!
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