In June the editor of a local daily choose to publish my article, in September True Love magazine published my article. Since last year June when i first started the blog i have an accumulation of 50 articles...i call it my small empire of articles where i capture the happenings of my life. Also helps me keep track of where i have been.
I don't think its too early in the year to start asking myself the question so what next? December is already here and we know what happens, the new year creeps in and most of us like taking inventory of ourselves. We all learn to crawl first before we start walking, question is i am still crawling when i should be walking or walking when i should be running? Am i really doing enough for myself?
Honestly, at the moment i have no answer to these pertinent question that i choose to be troubled with. In due time i will, i have faith that the ahhh moment will soon come.
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