A couple of weeks down while we were driving down from Eldoret for what was a great family function our car had a terrible accident. It was hit by another car and totally lost control, the memories are still so fresh in my mind, I can see my brother in law who was driving the car holding the steering wheel and trying hard to control the car. Anyone who has been in an accident will tell you that once a vehicle loses control, there is very little if at all anything one can humanly possible do to control it.
We were at the mercy of the heavens while this machine circled around the road and then right and then left again and soon it was flying out of the road to start rolling, my mind had seen us being pulled out of the over turned car. This was one of the scariest things I have been involved in and it was all happening so fast. I had been talking to my friend over the phone at the same time and we got cut off in the commotion.
Just when we were out of the road to start rolling over, suddenly the car came to a standstill. It was at this point I felt the mighty hand of God, He had taken over and made the car come to a complete stop.
The next thing I saw was people running all over to where we were to see the extent of the damage and soon a mammoth crowd of people had surrounded the car. My two sisters, niece, our friend and I all sat still in the mangled up position, all to shocked to move and not really knowing what to do, I believe everyone was making silent prayers thanking God for saving us.
It took the effort a lady who came to my side of the door and asked me to come out of the car, she politely asked if we were hurt and I said no and then she assured me that it was okay to come out. When we were out is when we got to see what had stopped, the car was held by a molehill which stopped it from rolling and crashing in the bushes.
My friend called back and I fuzzily explained what happened, he tried to ask for the details which I couldn’t make out at that time because of the shock. I wanted and I guess what we all want to hear in such a situation is some assuring words and when he said he was coming to help us out the adrenaline levels came down an inch, he was my knight in shining armour at that moment!
When he did arrive and a few minutes later my brother and mother who were in another car ahead of us came back things began to look up. We were able to make some decisions on how to proceed with the journey and what help to call for.
It was a miraculous event, sometimes this year I set out to memorise Psalm 91, the prayer of protection and indeed as it’s written in the chapters His Angels took charge over us and we did not dash our foot against a stone. My little nice has been singing praise kiddies song in the car all along the journey and indeed her kiddies praises anointed the car.
There is power in prayer and there is power in the name of Jesus and this is my testimony.
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