I just couldn't resist the temptation, to say it truthfully its more of pressure to write this article, you see my writing grease has kinda run out and now its not as smooth as it used though i still like to keep rolling the writing rollers.
I mean it's June, the month of my birthday and that is a BIG BIG deal, forget about people who say that they don't event notice when there's are approaching and i would like to come back here one day remind myself how it was turning 27!
So the day of my real birthday the 16th, i was in the middle of my exams and never managed to do anything big, actually i had -ve physc for any events. Nevertheless, i went out for coffee and cake with my friends, talk of a surprise coffee and cake plan, i love u guys...u made it special in its own way.
June 26, was thee day. How did it all happen? Am randomly talking to my colleague and she offers to buy a birthday cake, leave alone the fact that i had been asking myself why i didn't have any and i had been buying and organizing cake for my family members - they say its always comes back pressed down shaken together- yes it did for me (sample that beautiful cake in the pic above). Another one offers to bring some brandy glasses, and another one say they don't mind that i have limited space in the house they wanna come and see my new house and celebrate with me. Their wish was gladly my command and i had a gathering of friends at home and we had a memorable time chatting and talking and later on went out dancing.
Crap has happened in year 26 but i tried to keep it together all the same. Am still alive, i can still the sun rise and set everyday, i can still smile, i made more good friends all i can do now is say Thank You God and am sorry that i sometimes trip and fail to listen to your voice. Continue holding my hand in this journey called life and open my ears that i may listen and obey. I pray for a rewarding and happy new year with plenty of love and joyous moments.
2009 bday
2008 bday
1 comment:
Seconded. Happy belated birthday. And oil those rusty writing rollers... :)
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