
He was and still will be one of my hero’s!

He has been truly blessed and loved by God, he was an old man who fulfilled his days, as many as the days of a tree, he has lived to over 100 years, seen up to his 4th generation, just as it is prophesied in Isaiah 65:20-22, a life many of us would wish for! Now he has rested peacefully and all we can say is, it is well. Thank you God for my grandfather and the wonderful time you enable us to share. We celebrate his life!

For a couple of years now he has been feeling like he is dying, he used to say that the angels are near to taking him home, i guess its the feeling you get when you feel that you have lived your full potential and every other day is a gift, a real bonus day from God. Maybe we have had that so many times before and now that it has happened for real it sounds like it shouldn't, i still thought there would be more and more bonus days! Wednesday January 11, marked the end of Mzee John Mwangima.

An amazing guy,my hero! This is how it was being around him sometimes after visiting the village