It is the beginning of another year, a time when we set the phase do a dummy or a skeleton on how we want to shape up things throughput the year. Firstly I totally feel blessed to be among the children of the universe this year and am very grateful to God for this blessing.
Last year I was riding on the theme the 'Year of Fulfillment' and looking back indeed I can say yes I was fulfilled of course there were hitches here and there, some events that left deep scars but what is life anyway without both sweet and sour moments! Diamonds are made under pressure and what is most important in life is to learn from our experiences, mistakes as well as successes and use those to become better people.
This year I am riding on the theme of Prosperity. Repeating what I said in my blog the year of fulfillment this is another feeling, an intuition that I can’t explain in depth.
As you sit there and read, my question to you is. What theme have you set for yourself? Its been said over and over again, stand for something or you will fall for anything.