There say angels and demons live among us and this month i have meet an angel.
Unfortunately the people we expect to bail us out when we are most in need just aren't the ones but the ones you hardly know. I have encountered a person who has extended kindness far greater than i could ever anticipate and this article is dedicate to you and all those that have touched my life in one way or the other. You have challenged me in a big way and am always asking myself if the tables were reversed would i match up...can i offer my time, energies, knowledge, charm, smile
u n d i v i d e d l y to a stranger in need!!!
We might not be aware of the consequences of our actions at each and every particular moment but life is journey and we are required to pass through it in the best way that we can, some friends are here for a life time but like the seasons others are passing through whichever the situation always try to leave mark and a good mark to be precise.
What goes around comes around thank you and be blessed.
Unfortunately the people we expect to bail us out when we are most in need just aren't the ones but the ones you hardly know. I have encountered a person who has extended kindness far greater than i could ever anticipate and this article is dedicate to you and all those that have touched my life in one way or the other. You have challenged me in a big way and am always asking myself if the tables were reversed would i match up...can i offer my time, energies, knowledge, charm, smile
u n d i v i d e d l y to a stranger in need!!!
We might not be aware of the consequences of our actions at each and every particular moment but life is journey and we are required to pass through it in the best way that we can, some friends are here for a life time but like the seasons others are passing through whichever the situation always try to leave mark and a good mark to be precise.
What goes around comes around thank you and be blessed.